Research Article

24-Hour ICH Score Is a Better Predictor of Outcome than Admission ICH Score

Table 1

Demographics information.

Age, mean (sd)58.07 (1.4)
Male, %46 (51.7%)
Black, %67 (75.3%)
History of HTN, %71 (79.8%)
Antihypertensive medications, %44 (49.4%)
On antithrombotics (AP/AC), %32 (36%)
History of chronic daily alcohol use, %23 (25.8%)
Positive urine tox screen, %17 (19.1%)
ICH score on admission, median1 (0–3)
Presenting GCS, median14 (4–15)
First SBP, mean (sd)189.7 (3.7)
First DBP, mean (sd)111.2 (2.6)
Baseline NIHSS, median (range)15 (0–40)
Glucose on admission, mean (sd)144.65 (6.7)
ICH location
 Basal ganglia41 (46.1%)
 Thalamus18 (20.2%)
 Pons5 (5.6%)
 Cerebellum5 (5.6%)
 Lobar18 (20.2%)
 Other1 (1.1%)
ICH tentorial location
 Supratentorial77 (86.5%)
 Infratentorial11 (12.4%)
 Total88 (98.9%)
IVH, %42 (47.2%)
Hydrocephalus, %35 (39.3%)
Edema on initial HCT, %62 (69.7%)
Spot sign on CTA, %10 (11.2%)
Dot sign present on CTA, %16 (18%)
New IVH, %6 (6.7%)
ICH expansion, %42 (47.2%)
Evacuation, %12 (13.5%)
EVD placed, %28 (31.5%)
Did patient receive vitamin k? %10 (11.2%)
Did patient receive FFP? %14 (15.7%)
Did patient receive platelets? %17 (19.1%)
Did patient receive NOVO7? %4 (4.5%)
IVtPA, %5 (5.6%)
In-hospital infection, %33 (37.1%)
In-hospital DVT, %2 (2.2%)
In-hospital UTI, %24 (27%)
In-hospital bacteremia, %12 (13.5%)
Best 24 hr GCS, median13 (3–15)
Follow-up volume, median (range)12.3 (0–402)
24-hour ICH score, median1.0 (0–5)
Transfer patient, %8 (9%)
Initial shift on HCT, median (range)2.0 (0–17)
ICH initial volume, median (range)12.8 (0–186)
ICH volume 24 hrs, median (range)11 (0–402)
ICH volume growth in 24 hrs, median (range)0 (−107–346)
Length of stay, median (range)10 (2–86)
mRS on discharge, median (range)4 (1–6)
Death, %14 (15.7%)