Clinical Study

Decreasing Frequency of Osteonecrosis of the Jaw in Cancer and Myeloma Patients Treated with Bisphosphonates: The Experience of the Oncology Network of Piedmont and Aosta Valley (North-Western Italy)

Table 2

Duration and dose of bisphosphonate treatment at the ONJ onset time.

DrugNo.Median duration and range (months) Median dose and range (mg)

Zoledronate only12720.7 (1.8–74.5)72 (12–212)
Pamidronate only1638.6 (5.5–102.7)2085 (360–4080)
Pamidronate/zoledronate4356.0 (6.5–203.1)PAM 1080 (90–4680)/ZOL 88 (16–216)
Zoledronate/pamidronate528.3 (10.8–38.3)ZOL 48 (40–108)/PAM 270 (90–1260)