
Let be a ring. An additive mapping is called semiderivation of if there exists an endomorphism of such that and , for all in . Here we prove that if is a 2-torsion free -prime ring and a nonzero -Jordan ideal of such that for all , then either is commutative or for all . Moreover, we initiate the study of generalized semiderivations in prime rings.

1. Introduction and Preliminaries

Throughout this paper, will denote an associative ring with center . We will write, for all , and for the Lie product and Jordan product, respectively. is -torsion free, if whenever , with , then . is prime if implies that or . If admits an involution , then is -prime if yields or . Note that every prime ring having an involution is -prime, but the converse is in general not true. Indeed, if denotes the opposite ring of a prime ring , then equipped with the exchange involution , defined by , is -prime but not prime. This example shows that every prime ring can be injected in a -prime ring, and from this point of view -prime rings constitute a more general class of prime rings.

An additive mapping is a derivation on if for all . Let be a fixed element. A map defined by , , is a derivation on , which is called inner derivation defined by . Many results in the literature indicate how the global structure of a ring is often tightly connected to the behaviour of additive mappings defined on . A well-known result of Posner [1] states that if is a derivation of the prime ring such that , for any , then either or is commutative. In [2], Lanski generalizes the result of Posner to a Lie ideal.

More recently, several authors consider similar situation in the case that the derivation is replaced by a generalized derivation. More specifically, an additive map is said to be a generalized derivation if there exists a derivation of such that, for all , . Basic examples of generalized derivations are the usual derivations on and left -module mappings from into itself. An important example is a map of the form , for some ; such generalized derivations are called inner. Generalized derivations have been primarily studied on operator algebras. Therefore, any investigation from the algebraic point of view might be interesting (see, e.g., [3, 4]).

In [5] Bergen introduced the notion of a semiderivation of a ring as follows: an additive mapping of into itself is called a semiderivation if there exists a function such that for all in . In case is the identity map on , is a derivation. Moreover, if is an automorphism of , is called skew derivation (or -derivation). Basic examples of -derivations are the usual derivations and the map , where denotes the identity map. Let be a fixed element. Then a map defined by , , is a -derivation on , and it is called an inner -derivation (an inner skew derivation) defined by .

An additive subgroup of is said to be a Jordan ideal of if , for all and . A Jordan ideal which satisfies is called a -Jordan ideal. We use without explicit mention the fact that if is a nonzero Jordan ideal of a ring , then and [6, Lemma 2.4]. Moreover, from [7, proof of Lemma 3], we have and for all . Since , it follows that for all (see [7, proof of Theorem 3]).

Recently, many authors have studied commutativity of prime and semiprime rings admitting suitably constrained additive mappings, as automorphisms, derivations, skew derivations, and generalized derivations acting on appropriate subsets of the rings. In the present paper, we would like to study the structure of a -prime ring having a semiderivation which satisfies suitable algebraic properties on -Jordan ideals of . More precisely, we will prove the following.

Theorem 1. Let be a -torsion free -prime ring, and let be a nonzero -Jordan ideal of . If admits a nonzero semiderivation (with associated endomorphism ) such that for all , then is commutative or for all .

Motivated by the concept of semiderivation, in Section 3, we introduce the concept of generalized semiderivation.

Definition 2. Let be a ring and an additive map. If there is a semiderivation associated with the function such that for each , then is called a generalized semiderivation of , associated with the function and the semiderivation .

Of course any semiderivation is a generalized semiderivation. Moreover, if is the identity map of , then all generalized semiderivations associated with are merely generalized derivations of . Furthermore, we have already seen that if is prime and , then must be a ring endomorphism.

Example 3. Let be a ring and a semiderivation of associated with a function of . Define and as follows: It is easy to check that and satisfy (1), so that and are generalized semiderivations of associated with .

The definition of generalized semiderivations unifies the notions of semiderivation and generalized derivation and covers the concepts of derivations, generalized derivations, left (right) centralizers, and semiderivations. Thus, in the last part of this note, we give a characterization of generalized semiderivations in prime rings and show that any generalized semiderivation of a prime ring assumes essentially only two possible forms.

2. Commutativity Conditions on Semiderivations

Throughout, will be a -torsion free -ring, a nonzero -Jordan ideal of , and the set of symmetric and skew symmetric elements.

We make some use of the following well-known results.

Remark 4. Let be a -torsion free -prime ring and a nonzero -Jordan ideal.(1) If , then or ([8, Lemma ]).(2) If , then is commutative ([9, Lemma 2.5]).(3) If for all , then is commutative ([9, proof of Theorem 3]). We leave the proofs of the following two facts to the reader.(4)If , then . In particular, if or , then .(5)If is such that for all , then .

Lemma 5. Let be a -torsion free -prime ring and a nonzero -Jordan ideal of . If is such that for all , then .

Proof. Assume that Replacing by in (3), we get Substituting for in (4), where , we obtain so that For , either or , in which case Remark 4 forces . Hence, in both cases, we have .
Let , as ; then so that ; replacing by in (5), we find that Combining (5) with (6), we arrive at which by linearization yields Writing instead of in (7), where , we get Substituting for in (8), where , we obtain and thus Since is invariant under , because of (9), in view of Remark 4 either for all so, by Remark 4, or . According to Remark 4, the last case assures that is commutative and therefore .

Lemma 6. Let be a -torsion free -prime ring and a nonzero -Jordan ideal of . If admits a semiderivation such that for all , then .

Proof. Assume that Linearizing (10), we obtain Replacing by in (11), where , we get Substituting for , we find that , and replacing by in the last expression, where , we arrive at In view of Remark 4, from (13), it follows that either or for all , in which case Remark 4 forces and [10, Lemma 3] implies that is commutative. Accordingly, in both cases, we find that and therefore Linearizing (15), we obtain Replacing by in (16), where , we get Therefore Substituting for in (18), where , we obtain thereby In light of Remark 4, (19) implies that or . Applying Remark 4 together with Remark 4, we conclude that for all . Accordingly, Replacing by in (20), we get Substituting for in (21) we get so that Using the -primeness hypothesis together with (22), we get or .
Assume that ; from , it follows that Replacing by in (23), with , we get Substituting for in (23), with , we obtain so that In light of Remark 4, because of , (25) yields or in which case is commutative by Remark 4. Hence (23) together with -torsion freeness forces and Remark 4 assures that .
If for all , then is commutative by Remark 4, in which case (10) becomes . Hence for all and thus .

Proposition 7. Let be a -torsion free -prime ring and a nonzero -Jordan ideal of . If admits a nonzero semiderivation such that for all , then is commutative.

Proof. Assume that Suppose that ; replacing by in (26), we find that Substituting for in (27), where , we obtain in such a way that Using Remark 4 together with (28), we conclude that As for all , one can easily see that If for all , then by Remark 4 which, because of , forces . Hence, in both cases, we arrive at and Lemma 6 yields which contradicts our hypothesis. Hence Let ; replacing by in (26), we obtain Writing instead of in (33), where , we get and thus In light of Remark 4, (34) forces or . If for all , then Remark 4 implies that and [10, Lemma 3] implies that is commutative.
Assume that for all ; replacing by in (26), where , we get In view of Remark 4, the last equation forces Reasoning as previous mentioned, we arrive at Substituting for in (37), we get Replacing by in (38), we obtain so that Since is a nonzero semiderivation, then (39) forces for all , and thus is commutative.

Bell and Daif [11, Theorem 3] showed that if a prime ring admits a nonzero derivation satisfying for all in a nonzero ideal of , then is commutative. Our aim in the following theorem is to generalize this result of Bell and Daif in two directions. First of all, we will only assume that the commutativity condition is imposed on a Jordan ideal of rather than on a two sided ideal. Secondly we will treat the case of semiderivation instead of derivation but only with further assumption that the ring is -torsion free.

Corollary 8. Let be a -torsion free prime ring and a nonzero Jordan ideal of . If admits a nonzero semiderivation such that for all , then is commutative.

Proof. Assume that is a nonzero semiderivation of such that for all . Let us consider , and set Clearly, is a nonzero semiderivation of associated with . Moreover, if we set , then is a -Jordan ideal of and for all . Since is -prime, in view of Theorem 1, we deduce that is commutative and a fortiori is commutative.

Now if we consider the particular case where is the identity map in Corollary 8, we obtain [9, Theorem 2.6].

Corollary 9 (see [9, Theorem 2.6]). Let be a -torsion free prime ring and a nonzero Jordan ideal of . If admits a nonzero derivation such that for all , then is commutative.

Theorem 10. Let be a -torsion free -prime ring, and let be a nonzero -Jordan ideal of . If admits a nonzero semiderivation (with associated endomorphism ) such that for all , then is commutative or for all .

Proof. Assume that Then Writing instead of in (42), we get Then by Lemma 5, we have , and replacing by in (41), we get for all so that For , in light of -primeness, (44) yields or for all .
Let , as ; then we have or for all .
If , then . Hence, replacing by in (44), we arrive at which combined with (44) forces or .
If , then for all , and thereby (44) yields and once again using (44), because of the -primeness, the last equation implies that or . Accordingly, in both cases, we conclude that for all either or . Hence is a union of two additive subgroups and , where Since a group cannot be a union of two of its proper subgroups, we are forced to have or . If , then is commutative by Remark 4. Now assume that ; then Replacing by in (47) where , we get which forces Replacing by in the last equation, we obtain so that Since is invariant under , then which combined with (50) assures, because of Remark 4, that either or , in which case we find that is commutative. In conclusion, is commutative or for all .

Corollary 11 (see [9, Theorem 2.12]). Let be a -torsion free -prime ring and a nonzero -Jordan ideal of . If admits a nonzero derivation such that for all , then is commutative.

Proof. being a nonzero derivation implies that it is a semiderivation associated with the identity endomorphism of . Applying Theorem 10, because of , then we conclude that is commutative.

In case is a prime ring and is a semiderivation with associated function , Chang ([12], Theorem 1) has shown that must necessarily be a ring endomorphism. Using this result and reasoning as in the proof of Corollary 8, application of Theorem 10 yields the following result.

Theorem 12. Let be a -torsion free prime ring and a nonzero Jordan ideal of . If admits a nonzero semiderivation with associated function such that for all , then is commutative or for all .

Lemma 13. Let be a prime ring, a nonzero ideal of , and a nonzero semiderivation of , with associated function , such that , for all .
If for all , then either or .

Proof. For any , by our assumption, we have . Thus, for any , it follows that , that is, which implies that . Now we replace by , for any . Hence we get , and by the definition of , it follows that and since , one has that is, By the primeness of , we have that either or . In this last case, since , it follows that for any and , implying that . Thus we get that .

Theorem 14. Let be a -torsion free prime ring and a nonzero ideal of . If admits a nonzero semiderivation with associated function such that for all , then one of the following holds: (1) is commutative; (2) for all , with ; (3), for all and .

Proof. Assume that is not commutative. Thus, by Theorem 12, we have for all ; therefore by our assumption, .
In particular, for any and we have both which implies that that is, for any and , On the other hand, Comparing (56) with (57), we get that is, for all , . By applying Lemma 13, either or .
Here we assume that , and hence . In this case, for any and , we have both which implies that that is, for any and , On the other hand, Comparing (62) with (63), we get that is, for all , . By applying again Lemma 13, and since , it follows that .

The following example proves that Proposition 7 and Theorem 10 cannot be extended to semiprime rings.

Example 15. Let be a noncommutative prime ring with involution. If we set , then is a semiprime ring and is an involution of . is a nonzero -Jordan ideal of . is a nonzero semiderivation of associated with identity. We have for all so that but is a noncommutative ring.

The following example demonstrates that the hypothesis “ a -Jordan ideal” in Proposition 7 is crucial.

Example 16. Let be a noncommutative prime ring which admits a nonzero derivation , and let . If we set , then is a nonzero Jordan ideal of the -prime ring . Furthermore, if we define , then is a semiderivation of associated with identity which satisfies However is a noncommutative ring.

3. Generalized Semiderivations in Prime Rings

In this final section, we study generalized semiderivations in prime rings. Then we assume that is a prime ring and that is an additive map such that for each , where and are, respectively, a semiderivation and an endomorphism of .

Our aim here is to show that any generalized semiderivation of a prime ring assumes essentially one of the following forms.

Theorem 17. Let be a prime ring and a generalized semiderivation of associated with the endomorphism and semiderivation of . Then either one of the following two cases holds. (1)The endomorphism is the identity map of and is a generalized derivation of . (2)There exist , the extended centroid of , such that , for all .

Proof. By the definition of generalized semiderivation, we have that, for all , Assume that is not an ordinary derivation of .
In this case, it is known that there exists such that , for all . In light of this and by (69), one has that is, Denote . If , then , for all , and there is nothing to prove. Hence we assume that , and by (71), we get In particular for in (72), it follows that ; that is, is an additive commuting map on . By [13, Theorem 3.2], there exist and an additive mapping , such that , for all . Thus (72) implies that In case and since , by (73), we have in ; that is, is commutative. Moreover, since , then there exists such that and denote , and . Thus, by (72), we have that , for all , that is, , for all , as required.
Hence we may consider the case and , that is, , for all , and we are done again.
We finally consider the case that is an ordinary derivation of . In this situation, is the identity map on , and thus is a generalized derivation of .

We conclude our paper with an application of previous results.

Theorem 18. Let be a noncommutative prime ring of characteristic different from , a nonzero ideal of , and a nonzero generalized semiderivation associated with the endomorphism and semiderivation of . If for all , then one of the following holds: (1), and there exists such that for all ; (2) and .

Proof. In case is a generalized derivation of , by [14], we have the contradiction that either or is commutative. Therefore, in light of Theorem 17, we assume that , for all . Moreover, we may consider that , otherwise forces either (i.e., ) or , commutative, in any case a contradiction again.
By our hypothesis and for any , we have that is, . Replacing by , with , it follows that , that is, . Since is not commutative and using standard arguments, it follows that either or .
Assume that and ; then follows from Corollary 8. Hence , for all , that is, , which means that is a generalized derivation of , a contradiction.
Finally consider that and , for all . Therefore , that is, which implies that , for all .
If we set , then is a semiderivation associated with the endomorphism . Moreover, satisfies the condition , for all .
Since is not commutative, by applying Theorem 14, we conclude that either , or and for all , that is, for all , and .