Review Article

Resistance to Phomopsis Seed Decay in Soybean

Table 3

Genetics of resistance to Phomopsis seed decay in soybean.


AP350 × PI 80837S × RF23R : 1S[18, 47]
PI 91113 × PI 80837S × RF23R : 1S[18]
AP 350 × MO/PSD-0259S × RF23R : 1S[18]
AP350 × PI 80837S × R F2:31R : 2H : 1S[18]
PI 80837 × MO/PSD-0259R × RF215R : 1S[18]
PI 80837 × MO/PSD-0259R × RF2:37R : 8H : 1S[18]
PI 360841 × AP350R × S F29R : 7S[48]
PI 91113 × PI 360841S × R F29R : 7S[48]
MO/PSD-0259 × PI 360841R × R F257R : 7S[48]
PI 360841 × PI 80837R × R F263 : 1S[48]
PI 417479 × AP350R × SF23R : 1S[49]
PI 417479 × AP350R × SF35R : 3S[49]
(PI 417479 × AP350) × AP 350(R × S) × SBC11R : 1S[49]
PI 417479 × PI 91113R × SF23R : 1S[49]
PI 417479 × PI 91113R × SF35R : 3S[49]
(PI 417479 × PI 91113) × PI 91113(R × S) × SBC11R : 1S[49]

R: resistant, S: susceptible, H: heterozygous and segregating for PSD reaction, BC: backcross.