Research Article

Microbial Diversity in Soil under Potato Cultivation from Cold Desert Himalaya, India

Table 2

Colony morphology and microscopic characters of the microbial isolates.

S. no.Isolate code Morphological and microscopic charactersIdentification

1Cdpb1Off white, entire, and slimy colony with 5 mm dia; Gram +ve elongated bacilli in palisade or cluster arrangement; facultative anaerobicBacillus sp.
2Cdpb2Off white, convex, slimy, and round colony with 10 mm dia; Gram +ve bacilli, arranged in long chains and clusters; facultative anaerobicBacillus megaterium
3Cdpb4Off white, entire, smooth, and round colony with 4 mm dia; Gram +ve diplobacilli, arranged in clusters or short chains; facultative anaerobicBacillus sp.
4Cdpb5Off white, entire, and slimy colony with 6 mm dia; Gram +ve bacilli arranged in short chains; facultative anaerobicBacillus sp.
5Cdpb7Off white, entire, and smooth colony with 2-3 mm dia; Gram +ve elongated bacilli, arranged in clusters or short chains; facultative anaerobicBacillus sp.
6Cdpb8Off white, convex, smooth, and round colony with 1-2 mm dia; Gram +ve bacilli, arranged in palisade or short chains; facultative anaerobicBacillus sp.
7Cdpb10Yellow, entire, and smooth colony with 2 mm dia; Gram +ve elongated bacilli, arranged as single or in clusters; facultative anaerobicBacillus sp.
8Cdpb13Off white, convex, slimy, and round colony with 10 mm dia; Gram +ve bacilli, arranged as single and long chains; facultative anaerobicBacillus megaterium
9Cdpb16White, entire, slimy, and round colony with 3-4 mm dia; Gram +ve bacilli, arranged in clusters and long chains; facultative anaerobicBacillus megaterium
10Cdpb19Light yellow, entire, smooth, and round colony with 5 mm dia; Gram −ve arranged in oval or slightly curved rods; facultative anaerobicPseudomonas sp.
11Cdpb20Light yellow, irregular rhizoid, and translucent colony with 4-5 mm dia; Gram +ve diplobacilli, clusters or short chains; facultative anaerobicBacillus sp.
12Cdpb22Greenish yellow, entire, smooth, and round colony with 6-7 mm dia; Gram −ve, oval or slightly curved rods; facultative anaerobicPseudomonas sp.
13Cdpb23Light yellow mucoid colony with 6 mm dia; Gram −ve, small curved rods; facultative anaerobicPseudomonas sp.
14Cdpb27Off white, entire, and slimy colony with 4 mm dia; Gram +ve elongated bacilli, in palisade or cluster arrangement; facultative anaerobicBacillus sp.

15Cdpact28Aerial mycelium gray, powdery circular colony with 6 mm dia; filaments branched Streptomyces sp.
16Cdpact29Aerial mycelium white, rough, and circular colony with 6 mm dia; filaments branchedStreptomyces sp.
17Cdpact30Aerial mycelium gray, smooth, and circular colony with 6 mm dia; filaments branchedStreptomyces sp.

18Cdpf2Pink colony with 15 mm dia; mycelia septate with conidiophores Penicillium purpurogenum (NFCCI2772)
19Cdpf4Greenish colony with 17 mm dia; mycelia septate with conidiophores Penicillium sp. (NFCCI2774)
20Cdpf5White colony with 10 mm dia; myelia septate with conidiophoresPenicillium sp. (NFCCI2775)
21Cdpf6White colony with 20 mm dia; myelia septate with conidiophores Penicillium sp. (NFCCI2776)
22Cdpf7Yellow colony with 15 mm di; mycelia septate with branched conidiophoresPenicillium sp.
23Cdpf8Off white colony with 20 mm dia; mycelia septate with branched conidiophoresPenicillium sp.
24Cdpf10Yellowish green colony with 17 mm dia; septate myceliaTrichocladium asperum (NFCCI2777)
25Cdpb26White, entire, smooth, and round colony with 1-2 mm dia; unicellular with buddingYeast

Dia: diameter; NFCCI: National Fungal Culture Collection of India, Agharkar Research Institute, Pune, India.