Research Article

Accuracy of Self-Reported Screening Mammography Use: Examining Recall among Female Relatives from the Ontario Site of the Breast Cancer Family Registry

Table 1

Classification of familial risk of breast and/or ovarian cancer.

Familial risk groupFamily history of breast and/or ovarian cancer

High≥2 first-degree relatives diagnosed with breast and/or ovarian cancer at any age
≥1 first-degree relative(s) diagnosed with both breast and ovarian cancer at any age
≥1 first-degree relative(s) diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer at any age
≥1 first-degree male relative(s) diagnosed with breast cancer at any age
Personal history of ovarian cancer

ModerateSelf-reported Ashkenazi Jewish background
1 first-degree relative diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 40
1 first-degree relative diagnosed with ovarian cancer at any age
1 first-degree relative diagnosed with breast cancer after the age of 40 and ≥2 second-degree relatives diagnosed with breast cancer at any age
1 first-degree relative with breast cancer diagnosed after the age of 40 and ≥1 second-degree male relative(s) diagnosed with breast cancer at any age

Low1 first-degree relative diagnosed with breast cancer after the age of 40