
The motivation of this paper is to present a new notion of non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed space over a field with valuation. We obtain a Mazur-Ulam theorem for fuzzy -isometry mappings in the strictly convex non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed spaces. We also prove that the interior preserving mapping carries the barycenter of a triangle to the barycenter point of the corresponding triangle. And then, using this result, we get a Mazur-Ulam theorem for the interior preserving fuzzy -isometry mappings in non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed spaces over a linear ordered non-Archimedean field.

1. Introduction

Let be a field. A valuation mapping on is a function such that for any the following conditions are satisfied: (i) and equality holds if and only if ; (ii) ; (iii) .

A field endowed with a valuation mapping will be called a valued field. The usual absolute values of and are examples of valuations. A trivial example of a non-Archimedean valuation is the function taking everything except for into and . In the following, we will assume that is nontrivial; that is, there is an such that .

Throughout this paper, we assume that is a valued field and is a positive integer. We denote the set of all elements of whose norms are by ; that is, . Moreover, stands for the set of all positive integers and (resp., denotes the set of all real numbers (resp., complex numbers).

If condition (iii) in the definition of a valuation mapping is replaced with a strong triangle inequality (ultrametric), , then the valuation is said to be non-Archimedean. In any non-Archimedean field, we have and for all .

Let and be metric spaces. A map is called a distance preserving mapping (isometry) if for any . Automatically, an isometry is injective. Two metric spaces and are called isometric if there is an isometry from to .

The classical result of Mazur and Ulam states that if , are real normed linear spaces and is a surjective isometry, then is affine; that is, is a linear mapping up to translation. Numerous generalizations of this fact were presented by many authors (see, e.g., [113] and references therein). Unfortunately, the Mazur-Ulam theorem is not true for normed complex vector space. It was a natural step to ask if the theorem holds without the onto assumption. In fact, the onto assumption is essential. Without this assumption, Baker [14] proved that every isometry, not necessary surjective, , between real normed linear spaces is affine if is strictly convex. Moslehian and Sadeghi presented a non-Archimedean version of this result [11]; they also noted that a Mazur-Ulam theorem generally fails in a non-Archimedean case. Choy et al. [3] proved the Mazur-Ulam theorem for the interior preserving mappings in linear 2-normed spaces; they also proved the theorem on non-Archimedean 2-normed spaces over a linear ordered non-Archimedean field without the strict convexity assumption. Chu et al. [4] studied the Mazur-Ulam theorem in linear -normed spaces. Alaca [1] introduced the concepts of 2-isometry, collinearity, and 2-Lipschitz mapping in 2-fuzzy 2-normed linear spaces. Also, he gave a new generalization of the Mazur-Ulam theorem when is a 2-fuzzy 2-normed linear space or is a fuzzy 2-normed linear space. Kubzdela [10] gave some new results for isometries, Mazur-Ulam theorem, and Aleksandrov problem in the framework of non-Archimedean normed spaces. Kang et al. [9] proved that the Mazur-Ulam theorem holds under some conditions in non-Archimedean fuzzy normed space.

The motivation of this paper is to introduce the notion of non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed space over a field with valuation as a generalization of -normed space [2, 15, 16], non-Archimedean -normed space [3], fuzzy -normed space [17], and non-Archimedean fuzzy normed space [9, 18]. We will prove that the Mazur-Ulam theorem holds in the strictly convex non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed spaces.

2. Preliminaries

In 1897, Hensel discovered the -adic numbers as a number-theoretical analogue of power series in complex analysis. Let be a prime number. For any nonzero rational number , there exists a unique integer such that , where and are integers not divisible by . Then defines a non-Archimedean norm on . The completion of with respect to the metric is denoted by which is called the -adic number field. Note that if , then for each integer but .

During the last three decades, -adic numbers have gained the interest of physicists for their research, in particular, in problems derived from quantum physics, -adic strings, and superstrings (see, e.g., [19]).

Definition 1. Let be a linear space over a field with a non-Archimedean valuation . A function is said to be a non-Archimedean norm if it satisfies the following conditions:(i) if and only if , (ii), , , (iii)the strong triangle inequality: .
Then is called a non-Archimedean normed space. By a complete non-Archimedean normed space, we mean one in which every Cauchy sequence is convergent.

Definition 2. Let be a linear space over a valued field . A function is called a non-Archimedean fuzzy -norm on if the following conditions hold for all and all : if , for all , if and only if are linearly dependent, is invariant under any permutation of , for all if , for all , .
If is a non-Archimedean fuzzy -norm on , then is called a non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed space. It should be noticed that from the condition it follows that for every and ; that is, is nondecreasing for every . This implies that If holds, then so is .

Example 3. Let be an -normed space (see [2]). For each , consider Then is a non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed space.

Definition 4. Let and be non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed spaces, and let be a mapping. We call a fuzzy -isometry if for all and all .

For given points , and in , denotes the triangle determined by , and . A point is called a barycenter of . If is a point of a set , then is called an interior point of . Define a mapping between linear -normed spaces to be an interior preserving mapping of the triangle if carries an interior point in a triangle to an interior point in the corresponding triangle.

Remark 5. Let and be non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed spaces and be a mapping. Then is a fuzzy -isometry if and only if satisfies the following property: for all and all .

Definition 6. Let and be non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed spaces and be a mapping. Then is called a weak fuzzy -isometry if for every , there exists positive real number such that for all and all .

Definition 7. Let be a non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed space. The points are said to be -collinear if for every , is linearly dependent.

Remark 8. Let be a non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed space over a valued field and , mutually disjoint elements of . Then , and are said to be -collinear if and only if for some .

Now we define the concept of -Lipschitz mapping.

Definition 9. Let and be non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed spaces, and let be a mapping. Then is called a fuzzy -Lipschitz mapping if there is a such that for all and all . The smallest such is called the -Lipschitz constant.

Definition 10. A non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed space over a valued field is called strictly convex, if for each and , implies that and .

3. On the Mazur-Ulam Problem

Lemma 11. Let be a non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed space over a valued field , and all . Then for all .

Proof. Let , and , then
It follows that (9) holds.

Lemma 12. Let be a strictly convex non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed space over a linear ordered non-Archimedean field with , and let and . Then is the unique element of satisfying for all and , and are -collinear.

Proof. Let and . By Lemma 11, we have Hence, the existence holds. For the uniqueness of , we may assume that there is another , collinear with such that Since , and are collinear, for some . We may assume and . Then Then By the strict convexity of , we have . Then there exist two integers such that and . Since , we know that . Without loss of generality, we let and with . If , then ; that is, . This is a contradiction. Thus, ; that is, . This completes the proof.

Lemma 13. Let and be non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed spaces over a valued field . If is a fuzzy -isometry and , and are -collinear, then , and are -collinear.

Proof. Since , for any , there exist such that are linearly independent. Then and hence, the set contains linearly independent vectors. Assume that , and are -collinear. Then, for any , By , it follows that are linearly dependent. If there exist such that are linearly independent, then which contradicts the fact that contains linearly independent vectors. Hence, for any , are linearly dependent. If there exist such that are linearly independent, then which contradicts the fact that contains linearly independent vectors. And thus, are linearly dependent. Therefore, , and are -collinear.

Theorem 14. Let and be non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed spaces over a linear ordered non-Archimedean field with such that is strictly convex. If is a fuzzy -isometry, then is additive.

Proof. Let for . Then is a fuzzy -isometry and . For each . Since is a fuzzy -isometry, we have Since , , and are collinear, by Lemma 13, , , and are also collinear. It follows from Lemma 12 that for all . Hence, is additive since .

In the following, we prove that the interior preserving mapping carries the barycenter of a triangle to the barycenter point of the corresponding triangle. And then, using this result, we get a Mazur-Ulam theorem on non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed spaces over a linear ordered non-Archimedean field with .

Lemma 15. Let be a strictly convex non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed space over a linear ordered non-Archimedean field with , and let and . Then is the unique element of satisfying for all and .

Proof. Let and . By Lemma 11, we have
Similarly, we have
Hence, the existence holds. For the uniqueness of , we may assume that there is another satisfying (22). Since , , for some . Then
Hence,By the strict convexity, we have . Then there exist integers , , and such that , , and . Since , we know that , , . Without loss of generality, we let , , and with . Assume that the above one of the inequalities holds. Then . So . This is a contradiction. Thus, which means . This completes the proof.

Theorem 16. Let and be non-Archimedean fuzzy -normed spaces over a linear ordered non-Archimedean field with such that is strictly convex. If is an interior preserving fuzzy -isometry, then is additive.

Proof. Let for . Then is a fuzzy -isometry and . For , let be a triangle determined by the points , , , and , an interior point of . Since is an interior preserving map, there exist with such that . Then and hence, is an interior point of . Therefore, is also an interior preserving mapping.
Now let . Since is a fuzzy -isometry, we have and similarly, we can obtainSince is an interior point of the triangle and is an interior preserving mapping, . By Lemma 15, Hence, is additive since . This completes the proof.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC) (Grant no. 11171022).