Review Article

VGLUTs in Peripheral Neurons and the Spinal Cord: Time for a Review

Figure 6

VGLUT 2 is upregulated in LSC neurons and occasionally coexpresses with TH. Immunofluorescence photomicrographs of sections of the LSC of mouse after pelvic nerve axotomy, incubated with VGLUT2 ((a), (b)) and ATF-3 (a) or TH (b) antibodies. ATF-3 is used as a marker of injured neurons. (a) Pelvic nerve axotomy results in de novo expression of ATF-3 in an abundant number of LSC NPs (arrows). Pelvic nerve axotomy also results in de novo upregulation of VGLUT2, always coincidental with the upregulation of ATF-3 (double arrowheads). (b) Most VGLUT2-IR LSC NPs observed after lesion lack TH (arrowheads), although occasional VGLUT2/TH-IR NPs are detected (double arrowhead). Abundant TH-IR NPs are present in the LSC (arrows). Scale bars: 10 μm.