Review Article

Japanese Encephalitis Virus Generated Neurovirulence, Antigenicity, and Host Immune Responses

Table 1

Suppressive effects of different JE viral proteins/antigens, its neurovirulence, and host immune responses.

Type of proteinVirus typeNeurovirulenceProtectionProposed mechanismReferences

NS and SYFVHighmAbsPassive immunization[10]
NS1/NS3JEVHighmAbsPassive immunization[9]
NS4/NS2B-3 proteinaseYFVMildmAbsCross-neutralizing antibodies[3, 8]
NS gp4817 D YFV, DNVHighmAbsPassive and active immunization[11, 14]
DNA 4SRec vaccinia virusHighmAbsPassive immunization[12]
E or NS1JEVHighmAbsProtective immunity[13]
NS1JEVHighElicits DNA immunization[17]
M protein mutantVSVLowmAbsPassive immunization[25]

InfectionTreatment/proposed mechanismReferences

Cell mediated immune response
NS and SJEVHighCTL recognition of virus[61]
Action of NK/cytotoxic T cell[62]
JEV-specific murine CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes[70, 72]
NS and SJEV and other virusesHighPassive transfer of immune spleen T cells[73]
MyD88 adaptor molecule-dependent/independent pathways[94]
Virus proteinJEV and other virusesHighJEV Th1 and Th2 cytokines[55]
Anti-inflammatory cytokine[83, 86]
Interleukin-10, endogenous IL-10 production[89, 90]
Natural antibodies and complement[58, 60]

Humoral immune response to JEV
NS1 proteinJEV, DNVHighProtective immunity[102]
NS1JEVHighDNA immunization with NS1 elicits protective immunity[103]
Virus-specific cytolytic antibodies[104]
ADCC-dependent cytolysis of virus[104]
prM and E proteinsJEVHighSubviral particle mAbs are highly protective[110, 114]
SMP* virus-vaccinia recombinantsHighInduce high levels of protection against JEV[111]
Chimpanzee fabsJEVHighHumanized monoclonal antibodies[112]
Other mechanisms
Antiviral actions of interferon[132]
RNA interference[115, 118]
RNA silencing[116, 119]
Complement mediated cytolysis pathway[127]
T-cell priming[122, 123]

Structural membrane proteins.