Review Article

Residual Risk of Hepatitis-B-Infected Blood Donations: Estimation Methods and Perspectives

Table 5

Comparison of HBV residual risk (RR) estimates for the first-time and repeat donors.

Residual risk estimation methodHBsAg yield HBsAg and anti-HBc yield

HBV prevalenceHighLowHighLow
Repeat donor RR1 : 70921 : 80521 : 6671 : 6929
First-time donor RR1 : 15331 : 16101 : 15991 : 1610
Estimated RRRa12.825.004.084.33
True RRRb16.5617.9616.5617.96

aResidual risk ratio of first-time to repeat donors.
bBest estimate based on HBV prevalence ratio of first-time to repeat donor.