Research Article

Electrodialysis of Phosphates in Industrial-Grade Phosphoric Acid

Table 4

Limiting currents of the experimental three-compartment electrodialysis cells; dilute, central compartment: experimental solution; anolyte: 0.01 M HCl; catholyte: 0.01 M NaOH.

Experimental solutionLimiting current (A)

Wet industrial phosphoric acid diluted at 5% (w/w)indeterminate
Wet industrial phosphoric acid diluted at 1% (w/w)indeterminate
Solution of 6.27 g/L of NaCl and 54% analytical-grade phosphoric acid diluted at 5% (w/w)0.20
Solution of 1.254 g/L of NaCl and analytical-grade phosphoric acid diluted at 1% (w/w) 0.15

0.15 A was the average current level during the electrodialysis process.