Review Article

The Human Frontal Lobes and Frontal Network Systems: An Evolutionary, Clinical, and Treatment Perspective

Table 15

PET brain patterns in dementias.

Dementia subtype 18 FFDG PET hypometabolism pattern

AlzheimerRelatively symmetric parietotemporal, medial temporal, posterior cingulate, and frontal association cortex to lesser degree
AD variant (PCAS)Occipital hypometabolism predominates
FTD behavioral variantFrontal and anterior temporal hypometabolism
PDDTemporoparietal, may be similar to AD
DLBDOccipital and temporal hypometabolism
CVDCortical and subcortical, singular or multifocal, correlating with structural imaging abnormality
CBDGlobal reduction in metabolism as well as asymmetric prefrontal, premotor, sensorimotor superior temporal, parietal hypometabolism with thalamic hypometabolism contralateral to limb apraxia
Huntington’sCaudate nucleus hypometabolism and frontal association cortex to a lesser degree
PSPCaudate nucleus, putamen, thalamus, pons, and superior and anterior frontal cortex

PCAS: posterior cortical atrophy syndrome.
PSP: progressive supranuclear palsy.
FDG PET increases diagnostic accuracy beyond that derived from clinical evaluation. Adapted and modified from [35].