Research Article

Lesion-Induced Alterations in Astrocyte Glutamate Transporter Expression and Function in the Hippocampus

Figure 3

SR101 labeling in lesioned slices. (a) SR101 fluorescence in the CA1 area in a slice 7 days after lesion. The delineated area comprises the stratum pyramidale, and the box indicates the area enlarged on the right side. Right: SR101 fluorescence at the lesion site, illustrating that SR101 labeling is reduced along the lesion. The dotted line indicates the transition between the scar area and the adjacent, moderately reactive tissue. The boxed area is further enlarged at the bottom. (b) Image series obtained at a wide-field fluorescence microscope. The slice was prepared from a transgenic GFP/GFAP mouse, and the lesion site is indicated by the dotted line. Left: Image of SR101 fluorescence, center: GFP fluorescence indicating GFAP expression; and right: SBFI fluorescence. SR101 labeling is only weak in GFP/SBFI-positive cells in the scar region (see arrowheads). StrO, stratum oriens; StrP, stratum pyramidale; StrR, stratum radiatum, and; StrLM, stratum lacunosum-moleculare. Scale bars: 100 μm ((a), upper left) and 20 μm (other images).