Research Article

Central Adiposity and Subclinical Cardiovascular Disease in Police Officers

Table 2

Mean percent change in brachial artery reactivity (BAR) by tertiles of waist circumference in police officers.

Waist tertileaN UnadjustedMultivariate adjustedb
Mean (SD)P valuecMean (SE)P valuec

 Low145.61 (4.47)5.96 (0.94)
 Medium134.69 (2.97)0.044.26 (0.95)0.06
 High13 3.32 (2.42)3.37 (0.94)
 Low104.99 (2.95)4.99 (1.16)
 Medium103.32 (4.78)0.833.47 (1.16)0.87
 High104.18 (2.67)4.02 (1.16)
Waist tertile by alcohol intake ≤ mediand
 Low123.55 (3.23)3.31 (1.16)
 Medium134.97 (5.46)0.744.40 (1.14)0.27
 High125.11 (2.57)5.96 (1.19)
Waist tertile by alcohol intake > median
 Low125.57 (2.75)5.56 (0.78)
 Medium94.82 (3.32)0.015.20 (0.95)0.01
 High122.40 (1.73)2.12 (0.81)

SD: standard deviation; SE: standard error.
aWaist tertiles were 80–89.4, 89.5–97.9, and 98–126 cm for men, 64.5–74.9, 75–86.9, and 87–110.1 cm for women, and 64.5–85.1, 85.2–92.4, and 92.5–126 cm for all police officers.
bAdjusted for age, smoking, and physical activity.
cP values are from linear regression models.
dMedian value was 0.88 drinks per week. P value for interaction with alcohol was 0.30.