Review Article

Critical Analysis of Strand-Biased Somatic Mutation Signatures in TP53 versus Ig Genes, in Genome-Wide Data and the Etiology of Cancer

Table 3

Somatic point mutation patterns in the TP53 coding region in “All Ovary” Cancers.

Original baseMutant base
ATCGTotal Statistics

A (22%)2.11.613.016.7A T1.6x
T (21%)>G versus T>C3.2x
C (29%) C1.8x
G (28%)30.612.33.946.9G>A versus C>T1.6x
G>T versus C>A5.9x
G>C versus C>G0.9xNS

Values in the table represent the percentage of the total of 1575 somatic point mutations scored in category “All Ovary” (R15). The percentage base composition in the TP53 coding region for codons 130–300 inclusivethe region which contains the vast majority of mutations spanning the DNA binding region. The Chi-squared statistics (significance levels) are essentially unaltered if mutation frequencies are corrected for base composition. Note for C-to-T mutations 122 are at non-CpG and 183 are at CpG sites; for G-to-A mutations 222 are at non-CpG and 260 are at CpG sites.