Research Article

Overexpression of Regulatory T Cells Type 1 (Tr1) Specific Markers in a Patient with HCV-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Figure 1

Light Cycler-based PCR assay analysis. Histogram analysis of liver biopsies from the same genotype 1b infected patient for expression of various immune markers. Amplification of liver cDNA was successfully repeated three times with cDNA from the same extraction (B1 = healthy biopsy; B2 = cirrhotic biopsy; B3 = HCC biopsy). The prevalence of gene expression was calculated by comparing the cycle numbers (CT) of the logarithmic linear phase of samples 2 and 3 with the cycle numbers of sample 1, which was designed as reference (ΔCT) Samples are quantified using relative standard curves for each amplification reaction, and results were normalized to the internal controls β-actin and G3PDH.