Research Article

Comparison of Shared Reading versus Emergent Reading: How the Two Provide Distinct Opportunities for Early Literacy

Table 1

Emergent reading rubric for The Snowy Day [16].

Item numberItem descriptionScoring (total possible = 7)

1Says words that are actually on the page 0 1 (at least 50% of time)
2Produces an accurate portrayal of events on the current page 0 1 (at least 50% of time)
3 Mentions internal thoughts and/or feelings of character
0 1 (at least one mention)
4Comment illustrating their memory/understanding that a stick made a third set of track0 1
5Comment illustrating their memory/understanding that Peter is younger/smaller than the other boys playing in the snowball fight0 1
6Comment illustrating their memory/understanding that Peter’s snowball melts in his pocket or is “gone”0 1
7Uses typical story words like “once upon a time”, “one day”, or “the end”0 1 (at least one phrase)