Research Article

Comparison of Shared Reading versus Emergent Reading: How the Two Provide Distinct Opportunities for Early Literacy

Table 3

Descriptive statistics for language input variables across reading interaction conditions.

SD valueB

Shared reading ( = 24)

Mother’s number of utterances 49.7531.78.84***10.22***
Child’s number of utterances19.5411.99

Mother’s MLUA3.89.69−.044.96***
Child’s MLUA2.611.09

Mother’s number of questions***
Child’s number of questions2.584.12

Emergent reading ( = 25)

Mother’s number of utterances 46.7226.64.011.06
Child’s number of utterances38.3615.88

Mother’s MLUA3.38.86−.29−2.17**
Child’s MLUA4.321.52

Mother’s number of questions 13.3210.64.188.92***
Child’s number of questions1.161.55

Note: AMLU: mean length of utterance; B -tests and Pearson correlations were conducted using the log transformation of language input variables. *** < .001, ** < .05.