Research Article

Symbiotic Efficiency of Native Rhizobia Nodulating Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Soils of Western Kenya

Table 1

Native rhizobia population and physicochemical characteristics of soils from the study farms in Kisumu and MMUST.

Soil properties MMUST farms KISUMU farms
Maize Fallow BeanNapier BeanMaizeFallowMaize-bean

MPN (no. rhizobia in gm−1 of soil)7.8 × 1011.98 × 1024.102 × 1033.9 × 1011.25 × 1043.5 × 1043.2 × 1011.25 × 104
pH (1 : 2.5 soil water ratio)
EC (dS/m)
Total (%)0.350.180.240.310.
Organic carbon (%)2.61.582.662.81.321.151.781.39
K (cmol/kg)1.750.750.931.21.391.421.391.42
Na (cmol/kg)
Mg (cmol/kg)
Ca (cmol/kg)2.742.843.
Al (cmol/kg)
Zn (ppm)
Cu (ppm)
Fe (ppm)16.113.310.124.62212.520.443.2
Mn (ppm)72.443.375.291.138.348.632.394.1
P (ppm)2462835356211.812
Soil texture ClayClayClayClaySLSLSLSL

Note: SL: sandy loam.