Research Article

Impact of Site Disturbances from Harvesting and Logging on Soil Physical Properties and Pinus kesiya Tree Growth

Table 3

Pinus kesiya height, stem diameter, and volume index (SVI) at the end of three growing seasons in different treatments at the study site.

Variable Year 1Year 2Year 3

Height, cm92.1a92.0a92.4a156.8a159.4a153.3a269.5a273.8a265.1a
Basal diameter, mm17.6a17.7a17.6a34.2a35.1a33.5a59.2a59.6a58.8a
Diameter at breast height, mm12.7a12.7a12.8a26.3a26.5a25.9a
Stem volume index, cm3312a315a313a2034a2163a1920a9693a9926a9366a
Trees with measurable dbh, %11.5a11.8a10.2a98.9a98.5a97.4a
Tree mortality, %2.3a2.4a2.3a

Note: means followed by the same letter are not significantly ( ) different among treatments for a given year and tree variable. T1: compacted; T2: compacted plus tillage; T3: Noncompacted.