Clinical Study

Osteopontin and Osteoprotegerin as Potential Biomarkers in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm before and after Treatment

Table 1

Demographic data of control Group and AAA patients (overall, OR, and EVAR groups). All values of statistical significance in parenthesis are versus the control group.

  AAA patientsControl group
( )
Overall ( )OR ( )EVAR ( )

Arter. hypertension (%)58 (78%) (NS)29 (78%) (NS)29 (73%) (NS)17 (85%)
Dyslipidemia (%)60 (81%) (NS)28 (82%) (NS)32 (80%) (NS)13 (65%)
D. mellitus (%)10 (14%) (NS)4 (12%) (NS)6 (15%) (NS)3 (15%)
COPD (%)8 (11%) (NS)4 (12%) (NS)4 (10%) (NS)2 (10%)
Smoking (%)50 (68%) ( )24 (71%) ( )26 (65%) (NS)8 (40%)
Middle age (years) ± SD65.3 ± 8 (NS)64.2 ± 6 (NS)66.5 ± 5 (NS)64.7 ± 8
Male gender (%)52 (68%) (NS)23 (71%) (NS)29 (73%) (NS)13 (65%)

AAA: aortic abdominal aneurysm; OR: open repair; EVAR: endovascular aneurysm repair; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.