Research Article

Evaluating the Use of a Negative D-Dimer and Modified Low Wells Score in Excluding above Knee Deep Venous Thrombosis in an Outpatient Population, Assessing Need for Diagnostic Ultrasound

Table 1

Wells clinical probability scoring test [11].

Clinical featureScore

Active cancer1
Paralysis, paresis, or recent plaster immobilization of the lower extremity1
Recently bedridden for more than 3 days or major surgery within 12 weeks1
Localized tenderness along the distribution of the deep venous system1
Entire leg swollen1
Calf swelling by more than 3 cm when compared with the asymptomatic leg1
Pitting oedema (greater in the symptomatic leg)1
Collateral superficial veins (nonvaricose)1
Alternative diagnosis as likely or more possible than that of deep venous thrombosis−2