Research Article

Labor and Related Injuries among Schoolchildren in Palestine: Findings from the National Study of Palestinian Schoolchildren (HBSC-WBG2006)

Table 4

Crude and adjusted odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) for the association of work related injuries with work intensity, work swift, type of work, and sociodemographic characteristics in the Palestinian HBSC-2006 study.

Crude OR95% CIAdjusted OR95% CI

Work intensity
  h/d 11
3 h/d 1.53–1.95 1.11–1.54
Work shift
 End of school semester/academic year 11
 During school hours 1.93–3.18 1.80–3.12
 Before school hours 1.77–3.09 1.63–3.01
 After school hours 1.43–2.16 1.30–1.94
 On the weekend 1.25–1.85 1.31–1.90
Type of work
 Agricultural production 11
 Retail trade 1.37–1.89 1.35–1.92
 Street traders 1.98–3.21 1.96–3.34
 Tool maintenance work0.820.56–1.200.770.49–1.19
 Cleaners 0.27–0.73 0.28–0.83
 Movement of goods 0.34–0.890.690.42–1.12
 Building construction/maintenance0.910.59–1.391.010.64–1.59
 Workshops like carpenting, mechanics, aluminum 0.830.47–1.44 0.53–1.71
 House work 1.15–1.86 1.07–1.80
 Boys 1.66–2.10 1.32–1.84
 6th grade 1
 8th grade 0.55–0.76 0.41–0.65
 10th grade 0.53–0.73 0.38–0.60
 12th grade 0.66–0.94 0.46–0.74
 FAS 1 (low) 1
 FAS 2 (moderate) 0.79–0.930.930.85–1.02
 FAS 3 (high) 0.75–0.950.940.82–1.06
 West Bank 1
 Gaza Strip 1.08–1.371.150.99–1.35
Father’s education
 Low education 1
 High Education0.970.89––1.12
Mother’s education
 Low education 1
 High education0.980.82–1.180.950.80–1.10

CI: confidence intervals; OR: odds ratio; FAS: family affluent scale.
Adjusted for gender, grade, region, parent education, and FAS.
Adjusted for grade, region, and parent education.
Adjusted for gender, region, parent education, and FAS.
Adjusted for gender, grade, region, and parent education.
Adjusted for gender, grade, parent education, and FAS.
Adjusted for gender, grade, region, and FAS.