Clinical Study

Venous Drainage Patterns in Carotid Cavernous Fistulas

Table 1

Etiology, types, and drainage patterns of subjects with CCF are shown.

CCFSubjectGender, ageType of CCFEtiologyMajor drainageMinor drainage

1 1 left CCFM, 46Direct-high flow-Type ATraumaticInferior, posterior, superiorAnterior, contralateral
22 right CCFF, 65Indirect-slow flow-Type BSpontaneousAnterior, contralateralInferior
32 left CCFF, 65Indirect-slow flow-Type BSpontaneousAnterior, contralateralInferior
43 left CCFM, 40Direct-high flow-Type ATraumaticAnteriorInferior
54 right CCFM, 49Direct-high flow-Type ATraumaticAnteriorPosterior, inferior, superior
65 left CCFM, 16Direct-high flow-Type ATraumaticAnteriorContralateral, inferior, posterior
76 right CCFF, 50Indirect-slow flow-Type BSpontaneousInferior
86 left CCFF, 50Indirect-slow flow-Type CSpontaneousAnteriorContralateral
97 left CCFM, 34Indirect-slow flow-mixed-Type DUnknown or spontaneousAnterior
108 left CCFF, 62Indirect-slow flow-mixed-Type DSpontaneous, hypertensionInferior
119 left CCFF, 72Indirect-slow flow-Type BSpontaneousAnteriorContralateral, inferior
1210 right CCFF, 61Indirect-slow flow-Type BSpontaneousContralateralInferior
1310 left CCFF, 61Indirect-slow flow-Type BSpontaneousAnteriorInferior