Research Article

Classification of Microarray Data Using Kernel Fuzzy Inference System

Algorithm 1

Kernel subtractive clustering.
 Input: The dataset , radius .
 Output: Optimal number of clusters, their centroid and sigma ().
Compute the potential for each data point using (6).
 Choose the data point whose potential value is highest as a cluster centroid.
 Discard and recompute the potential value for each using (7).
 If     then
     Accept as a cluster center and continue.
 else if     then
  Reject and end the clustering process.
   = shortest of the distance between and all previously found cluster centers.
if  (   then
   Accept as a cluster center and continue.
   Reject and set the potential at to 0. Select the data point with the next highest potential as the new and reset.
end if
 end if