Research Article

Statistically Matched Wavelet Based Texture Synthesis in a Compressive Sensing Framework

Algorithm 2

Texture synthesis in a CS framework.
Inputs: Initial Reference Point, Observation Vector, Optimization Parameter
Initialize:   vector(guess point), measurement vector,
(tolerance for primal-dual algorithm) = 5, (Maximum primal dual iterations) = 20,
(Tolerance for conjugate gradients) = , (Maximum conjugate gradients) = 300
If (Valid Starting Reference, )
   Minimize subject to (Where, -convex, rank )
    (Use Primal Dual Interior Point Methods with Equality Constraint)
   While (Surrogate duality gap < OR Iterations > ) do
 (1)  Optimality Condition: ,
 (2)  Compute the Newton step and decrement ,
 (3)  Solve Positive definite system of equations from Newton step
    (3a)  Use Conjugate Gradients Method, MATLAB command, cgsolve
    (3b)  Stop Conjugate Gradient algorithm, If ( )
 (4)  Do line Search. Choose step size by backtracking line search
 (5)  Update.
 (6)  Update Central and Dual residuals
   end while
end If
Output: Sparse representation Wavelet Coefficients