Research Article

Factor VIII-Related Antigen Detects Phenotypic Change of Sinusoidal to Vascular Endothelium in Hepatic Fibrosis of Elderly Cadavers

Figure 3

FVIIIRAg immunostaining of sinusoidal endothelial cells in the liver lobules. (a) Representative FVIIIRAg immunopositive endothelial cell (arrow) in the sinusoidal lining. The FVIIIRAg immune deposits are visible as fine granules (brown color)—less than 1 μm in diameter—in the cell body and cytoplasmic process. (b) FVIIIRAg-immunopositive endothelium in an area of focal perisinusoidal fibrosis in the space of Disse. The positively stained endothelial cells and their attenuated cytoplasmic processes (brown color) can be seen overlying fibrous tissue (arrows)—slightly gray after hematoxylin counterstaining—in the space of Disse. (c) This is a semiserial section of (b)—poststained with Sirius red for collagens—showing vividly the collagen fibers (arrows) in the space of Disse. The cytoplasmic processes of endothelial cells containing FVIIIRAg immune deposits (brown color) can be seen overlying bundles of collagen fibers, associated with perisinusoidal fibrosis.