Review Article

Returning for HIV Test Results: A Systematic Review of Barriers and Facilitators

Table 3

Number of quotes per factor classified by barrier and facilitator with respect to return for HIV test results.


Individual factors13681111328

(A) Sociodemographic characteristics573561153
(1) Age14111944
 (1.1) Younger age11
  (1.2) Older age11
  (1.3) Childhood 12 years and under22
  (1.4) Under 30 years including 34 years and under101718
  (1.5) 30 years old and over371222
(2) Gender639
  (2.1) Female314
  (2.2) Male325
(3) Sexual orientation4127
  (3.1) Heterosexual2114
  (3.2) Bisexual or heterosexual11
  (3.3) Transgender11
  (3.4) Other orientation11
(4) Education54312
  (4.1) None or low education426
  (4.2) High school education and more1416
(5) Marital status13610
  (5.1) Single/unmarried1113
  (5.2) Married/living with partner112
  (5.3) Divorced/separated33
  (5.4) Widowed112
(6) Occupation13812
  (6.1) Working3811
  (6.2) Other occupation11
(7) Living condition112
  (7.1) Incarcerated11
  (7.2) Homeless11
(8) Residence24511
  (8.1) Urban14510
  (8.2) Rural11
(9) Place of birth37212
  (9.1) From other city11
  (9.2) From other province11
  (9.3) Abroad/overseas112
  (9.4) Different parts of Vietnam3317
  (9.5) Other place of birth11
(10) Nationality213
  (10.1) From another country22
  (10.2) From a tribe11
(11) Ethnicity132823
  (11.1) Black5139
  (11.2) Hispanic/Latino527
  (11.3) Asian/Pacific islander123
  (11.4) Native American/Alaskan213
  (11.5) White11
(12) Religion134
  (12.1) Christian33
  (12.2) Muslim11
(13) Weeks of gestation33
  (13.1) Fewer than 3511
  (13.2) More than 3522
(14) Having 5 or fewer children11

(B) Risky behaviors39212484
(I) Self-reported risks35202479
(1) Number of sex partners72817
  (1.1) One22
  (1.2) 2 to 51124
  (1.3) More than 53148
  (1.4) Multiple33
(2) MSM1236
(3) Sex work5319
(4) Condom use2349
  (4.1) Protected sex1236
  (4.2) Unprotected sex1113
(5) Particular sex behavior123
  (5.1) Oral sex11
  (5.2) Overseas partners11
  (5.3) Sex with casual partner11
(6) Ever had sex112
  (6.1) Had sex11
  (6.2) No sex11
(7) History of STD other than HIV54110
(8) IDU81312
  (8.1) User81211
  (8.2) Nonuser11
(9) Other drug use314
(10) Blood-related risks2114
  (10.1) Blood transfusion112
  (10.2) Blood contact through behavior11
  (10.3) Hemophilia11
(11) Alcohol consumption112
  (11.1) Occasional drinker11
  (11.2) Daily drinker11
(12) Other self-reported risks11
(II) Symptoms415
(1) Genital/anal symptoms11
(2) Loss of weight11
(3) Prenatal care112
  (3.1) Low prenatal care11
  (3.2) Had prenatal care11
(4) Other symptoms11

(C) Perception of risk51814
(1) Level of perception51814
  (1.1) No risk22
  (1.2) Low risk123
  (1.3) Medium risk/some risk1113
  (1.4) High risk145
  (1.5) Unknown risk11

(D) HIV knowledge628
(1) Level of knowledge628
  (1.1) No/low knowledge314
  (1.2) Have knowledge213
  (1.3) No knowledge about ART availability11

(E) Visiting reason810624
(1) Compulsory11
(2) HIV testing235
(3) STI screening11
(4) Have symptoms11
(5) Risk behavior taking1113
(6) Partner-related reasons1113
  (6.1) Partner is infected11
  (6.2) Partner is at high risk11
  (6.3) Current relationship11
(7) Casual contact with HIV-infected person11
(8) Recommended by professional1113
(9) Clinical procedure11
(10) Blood transfusion11
(11) Unknown/other1124

(F) HIV test result45413
(1) Positive HIV test44210
(2) Negative HIV test123

(G) Testing history82616
(1) Prior HIV testing4239
  (1.1) Tested previously2136
  (1.2) Not tested previously213
(2) Prior HIV testing status112
  (2.1) Prior negative HIV test11
  (2.2) Prior negative HIV test11
(3) Previously FTR/return325
  (3.1) Previously FTR314
  (3.2) Previously return11

(H) Psychosocial factors729
(1) Beliefs33
  (1.1) Did not believe in self-prevention from HIV11
  (1.2) Belief that HIV can be cured11
  (1.3) Belief that medical follow-up can improve course of HIV11
(2) Psychological characteristics426
  (2.1) Self-esteem11
  (2.2) Positive coping skills11
  (2.3) Anxiety about HIV44

(I) Others individual factors2327
(1) Other age-related factors22
  (1.1) Over 17 at outset of sexual activity11
  (1.2) Over 17 at marriage/cohabitation11
(2) Being disabled11
(3) Treated for drugs22
(4) Health coverage112
  (4.1) Private coverage11
  (4.2) No coverage11

Interpersonal factors19121546

(A) Risky partner behaviors96722
(1) Partner STD infections1315
  (1.1) HIV-infected314
  (1.2) STD-infected11
(2) Partner alcohol/drug use224
  (2.1) IDU123
  (2.2) Alcohol consumer11
(3) Partner sexuality22
  (3.1) MSM11
  (3.2) Bisexuality11
(4) Partner and sex work2114
  (4.1) Sex worker213
  (4.2) Client of sex work11
(5) Partner has multiple sex partners11
(6) Partner is traveling11
(7) Partner did not test11
(8) Partner has other risks/unknown risks224

(B) Social support45211
(1) Family relationship213
  (1.1) Living with nonrelatives11
  (1.2) Living with spouse11
  (1.3) Living with relatives11
(2) Number of gay friends33
  (2.1) Few gay friends11
  (2.2) Some gay friends11
  (2.3) Mostly gay friends11
(3) Having social support213
(4) Having a counselor11
(5) Lacking a family confidant11

(C) Knowledge of person with HIV112
(1) Have knowledge of someone with HIV112

(D) Other interpersonal factors51511
(1) Partner age33
  (1.1) 25 to 34 years old11
  (1.2) 34 to 71 years old11
  (1.3) Unknown11
(2) Years in couple112
  (2.1) 3 to 6 years11
  (2.2) 7 years and more11
(3) Communication112
  (3.1) No discussion about reproductive health issues with partner11
  (3.2) Desire to share results11
(4) Domestic violence314
  (4.1) Abuse by partner11
  (4.2) Rape213

Contextual factors266133

(1) Type of clinic attended173121
  (1.1) Family planning clinic22
  (1.2) STD clinic213
  (1.3) Detention facility112
  (1.4) Primary care clinic11
  (1.5) HIV test clinic11
  (1.6) Mobile clinic11
  (1.7) Prenatal/obstetric clinic11
  (1.8) Drug treatment center11
  (1.9) Health department22
  (1.10) Outpatient medical service11
  (1.11) Private physician11
  (1.12) College11
  (1.13) Base clinic11
  (1.14) Other type of clinic33
(2) Clinic visit (to a facility)11
(3) Counselling (no pretest counselling)11
(4) Year tested77
  (4.1) 199811
  (4.2) 199911
  (4.3) 200011
  (4.4) 200111
  (4.5) 200211
  (4.6) 200311
  (4.7) 200411
(5) Other contextual factors123
  (5.1) Condom distribution11
  (5.2) Same city as treatment center11
  (5.3) Confidential testing11

Grand total18199127407