Case Report

Gum Arabic as a Cause of Occupational Allergy

Table 1

Patients of the candy factory examined for suspected occupational disease.

Patient sex/age yearsYears in candy factoryDuration of symptomsSymptomsDiagnosis

F/4186 monthsHivesChronic nonoccupational urticaria
M/31102.5 yearsHivesWork associated urticaria (carmine and house dust mites positive in skin prick tests)
F/3282 monthsHivesChronic non-occupational urticaria
F/50169 monthsPapular erythema of the handsOccupational allergic eczema from rubber gloves
F/36151.5 yearsDyspnoea, rhinitis, eye symptoms, hivesOccupational asthma, rhinitis and urticaria from gum arabic
F/54106 yearsDyspnoea, rhinitis, eye symptoms, redness of the skinOccupational asthma from gum arabic
F/43133 yearsDyspnoea, rhinitis, eye symptoms, itching of the skinOccupational asthma and urticaria from gum arabic
F/522110 yearsDyspnoea, rhinitis, eye symptoms, hivesOccupational asthma from gum arabic
F/45Unknown2 monthsDyspnoea and coughLaryngitis (non-occupational)
F/35Unknown4 monthsDyspnoea and coughAllergic non-occupational asthma
F/38103 yearsNasal congestion and secretionRhinitis (non-occupational)