Research Article

The Interactive Effects of Affect Lability, Negative Urgency, and Sensation Seeking on Young Adult Problematic Drinking

Table 3

Interactions among sensation seeking, negative urgency, and affect lability on hazardous alcohol use and alcohol-related problems.

b SEβ P b SEβ P

SS ADL.48.20−.11.01.02−.29.17−.09.01.08
SS DEL−.47.27−.09.01.08−.41.21−.10.01.05
SS AL−.19.23−.04.00.41−.47.19−.12.02.01
NUR ADL−.40.22−.09.01.06−.06.17−.02.00.73
NUR DEL−.16.26−.03.00.55−.02.21−.01.00.91
NUR AL−.30.23−.07.00.18−.18.18−.05.00.33

Note: bolded coefficients were significant at , and refers to change in in the third step of the analyses (when the interaction term was entered). HAU: hazardous alcohol use, ARP: alcohol-related problems, SS: sensation seeking, NUR: negative urgency, ADL: anxiety-depression lability, DEL: depression-elation lability, and AL: anger lability.