Research Article

Simulation of Supersonic Flow in an Ejector Diffuser Using the JPVM

Table 2

Communication time.

Communication timeCommunication timeCommunication timeCommunication timeCommunication time
4 bytes1024 bytes10240 bytes102400 bytes1048576 bytes

pack: 0.625 msecs.pack: 0.0390625 msecs.pack: 0.00244140625 msecs.pack: 8.750152587890625 msecs.pack: 41.859384536743164 msecs.
  NativejpvmDaemon.execomm: 36.3125 msecs.comm: 25.39453125 msecs.comm: 32.274658203125 msecs.comm: 154.7671661376953 msecs.comm: 1255.672947883606 msecs.
unpk: 0.0 msecs.unpk: 0.625 msecs.unpk: 0.0390625 msecs.unpk: 1.25244140625 msecs. unpk: 21.453277587890625 msecs.

pack: 0.0 msecs.pack: 0.0 msecs.pack: 0.0 msecs.pack: 6.875 msecs.pack: 44.1796875 msecs.
Using the JVMjavajpvmDaemoncomm: 33.1875 msecs.comm: 25.88671875 msecs.comm: 30.992919921875 msecs.comm: 155.9370574951172 msecs.comm: 1281.7460660934448 msecs.
unpk: 0.625 msecs.unpk: 0.0390625 msecs.unpk: 0.00244140625 msecs.unpk: 3.750152587890625 msecs.unpk: 21.484384536743164 msecs.