
We find the least values 𝑝, 𝑞, and 𝑠 in (0, 1/2) such that the inequalities 𝐻(𝑝𝑎+(1𝑝)𝑏, 𝑝𝑏+(1𝑝)𝑎)>AG(𝑎,𝑏), 𝐺(𝑞𝑎+(1𝑞)𝑏,𝑞𝑏+(1𝑞)𝑎)>AG(𝑎,𝑏), and 𝐿(𝑠𝑎+(1𝑠)𝑏,𝑠𝑏+(1𝑠)𝑎)>AG(𝑎,𝑏) hold for all 𝑎,𝑏>0 with 𝑎𝑏, respectively. Here AG(𝑎,𝑏),𝐻(𝑎,𝑏),𝐺(𝑎,𝑏), and 𝐿(𝑎,𝑏) denote the arithmetic-geometric, harmonic, geometric, and logarithmic means of two positive numbers 𝑎 and 𝑏, respectively.

1. Introduction

The classical arithmetic-geometric mean AG(𝑎,𝑏) of two positive real numbers 𝑎 and 𝑏 is defined as the common limit of sequences {𝑎𝑛} and {𝑏𝑛}, which are given by𝑎0=𝑎,𝑏0𝑎=𝑏,𝑛+1=𝑎𝑛+𝑏𝑛2,𝑏𝑛+1=𝑎𝑛𝑏𝑛.(1.1)

Let 𝐻(𝑎,𝑏)=2𝑎𝑏/(𝑎+𝑏), 𝐺(𝑎,𝑏)=𝑎𝑏, 𝐿(𝑎,𝑏)=(𝑎𝑏)/(log𝑎log𝑏),𝐼(𝑎,𝑏)=(1/𝑒)(𝑏𝑏/𝑎𝑎)1/(𝑏𝑎), 𝐴(𝑎,𝑏)=(𝑎+𝑏)/2, and 𝑀𝑝(𝑎,𝑏)=[(𝑎𝑝+𝑏𝑝)/2]1/𝑝(𝑝0) and 𝑀0(𝑎,𝑏)=𝑎𝑏 be the harmonic, geometric, logarithmic, identric, arithmetic, and 𝑝-th power means of two positive numbers 𝑎 and 𝑏 with 𝑎𝑏, respectively. Then it is well known that min{𝑎,𝑏}<𝐻(𝑎,𝑏)=𝑀1(𝑎,𝑏)<𝐺(𝑎,𝑏)=𝑀0(𝑎,𝑏)<𝐿(𝑎,𝑏)<𝐼(𝑎,𝑏)<𝐴(𝑎,𝑏)=𝑀1(𝑎,𝑏)<max{𝑎,𝑏}(1.2) for all 𝑎,𝑏>0 with 𝑎𝑏.

Recently, the inequalities for means have been the subject of intensive research. In particular, many remarkable inequalities for arithmetic-geometric mean can be found in the literature [19].

Carlson and Vuorinen [2], and Bracken [9] proved that 𝐿(𝑎,𝑏)<AG(𝑎,𝑏)(1.3) for all 𝑎,𝑏>0 with 𝑎𝑏.

In [3], Vamanamurthy and Vuorinen established the following inequalities: AG(𝑎,𝑏)<𝐼(𝑎,𝑏)<𝐴(𝑎,𝑏),AG(𝑎,𝑏)<𝑀1/2𝜋(𝑎,𝑏),AG(𝑎,𝑏)<2𝐿𝑀(𝑎,𝑏),1𝑎(𝑎,𝑏)<AG2,𝑏2AG(𝑎,𝑏)<𝑀2(𝑎,𝑏)(1.4) for all 𝑎,𝑏>0 with 𝑎𝑏.

We recall the Gauss identity [6, 7]AG1,𝑟𝜋𝒦(𝑟)=2(1.5) for 𝑟[0,1) and 𝑟=1𝑟2. As usual, 𝒦 and denote the complete elliptic integrals [8] given by𝒦(𝑟)=0𝜋/21𝑟2sin2𝜃1/2𝜋𝑑𝜃=2𝑛=0(1/2,𝑛)2(𝑛!)2𝑟2𝑛,𝒦(𝑟𝑟)=𝒦,(𝑟)=0𝜋/21𝑟2sin2𝜃1/2𝜋𝑑𝜃=2𝑛=0(1/2,𝑛)(1/2,𝑛)(𝑛!)2𝑟2𝑛,𝑟(𝑟)=,(1.6)

where (𝑎,0)=1 for 𝑎0, and (𝑎,𝑛)=𝑛1𝑘=0(𝑎+𝑘).

For fixed 𝑎,𝑏>0 with 𝑎𝑏 and 𝑥[0,1/2], let𝑓1𝑓(𝑥)=𝐻(𝑥𝑎+(1𝑥)𝑏,𝑥𝑏+(1𝑥)𝑎),(1.7)2(𝑓𝑥)=𝐺(𝑥𝑎+(1𝑥)𝑏,𝑥𝑏+(1𝑥)𝑎),(1.8)3(𝑥)=𝐿(𝑥𝑎+(1𝑥)𝑏,𝑥𝑏+(1𝑥)𝑎).(1.9)

Then it is not difficult to verify that 𝑓1(𝑥),𝑓2(𝑥), and 𝑓3(𝑥) are continuous and strictly increasing in [0,1/2], respectively. Note that 𝑓1(0)=𝐻(𝑎,𝑏)<AG(𝑎,𝑏)<𝑓1(1/2)=𝐴(𝑎,𝑏), 𝑓2(0)=𝐺(𝑎,𝑏)<AG(𝑎,𝑏)<𝑓2(1/2) = 𝐴(𝑎,𝑏) and 𝑓3(0)=𝐿(𝑎,𝑏)<AG(𝑎,𝑏)<𝑓3(1/2)=𝐴(𝑎,𝑏).

Therefore, it is natural to ask what are the least values 𝑝, 𝑞, and 𝑠 in (0,1/2) such that the inequalities 𝐻(𝑝𝑎+(1𝑝)𝑏,𝑝𝑏+(1𝑝)𝑎)>AG(𝑎,𝑏), 𝐺(𝑞𝑎+(1𝑞)𝑏,𝑞𝑏 + (1𝑞)𝑎)>AG(𝑎,𝑏), and 𝐿(𝑠𝑎+(1𝑠)𝑏,𝑠𝑏+(1𝑠)𝑎)>AG(𝑎,𝑏) hold for all 𝑎,𝑏>0 with 𝑎𝑏, respectively. The main purpose of this paper is to answer these questions. Our main results are Theorems 1.11.3.

Theorem 1.1. If 𝑝(0,1/2), then inequality 𝐻(𝑝𝑎+(1𝑝)𝑏,𝑝𝑏+(1𝑝)𝑎)>𝐴𝐺(𝑎,𝑏)(1.10) holds for all 𝑎,b>0 with 𝑎𝑏 if and only if 𝑝1/4.

Theorem 1.2. If 𝑞(0,1/2), then inequality 𝐺(𝑞𝑎+(1𝑞)𝑏,𝑞𝑏+(1𝑞)𝑎)>𝐴𝐺(𝑎,𝑏)(1.11) holds for all 𝑎,𝑏>0 with 𝑎𝑏 if and only if 𝑞1/22/4.

Theorem 1.3. If 𝑠(0,1/2), then inequality 𝐿(𝑠𝑎+(1𝑠)𝑏,𝑠𝑏+(1𝑠)𝑎)>𝐴𝐺(𝑎,𝑏)(1.12) holds for all 𝑎,𝑏>0 with 𝑎𝑏 if and only if 𝑠1/23/4.

2. Lemmas

In order to establish our main results we need several formulas and lemmas, which we present in this section.

For 0<𝑟<1, the following derivative formulas were presented in [6, Appendix E, pp. 474-475]: 𝑑𝒦=𝑑𝑟𝑟2𝒦𝑟𝑟2,𝑑=𝑑𝑟𝒦𝑟,𝑑𝑟2𝒦𝑑𝑟=𝑟𝒦,𝑑(𝒦)=𝑑𝑟𝑟𝑟2,𝒦2(2.1)𝑟1+𝑟=(1+𝑟)𝒦(𝑟).(2.2)

The following Lemma 2.1 can be found in [6, Theorem 3.21(7) and Exercise 3.43(4)].

Lemma 2.1. (1)(1+𝑟2)(𝑟)2𝑟2𝒦(𝑟) is strictly increasing from (0,1) onto (0,1);
(2)  (𝑟)/𝑟1/2 is strictly increasing from (0,1) onto (𝜋/2,+).

Lemma 2.2. Inequality 2𝜋𝒦(𝑟)112𝑟2>1(2.3) holds for all 𝑟(0,1).

Proof. Let 2𝑓(𝑟)=log𝜋𝒦(𝑟)112𝑟2.(2.4) Then simple computations lead to 𝑓𝑓(0)=0,(2.5)(𝑟)=(𝑟)𝑟2𝒦(𝑟)𝑟𝑟2𝑟𝒦(𝑟)2𝑟2=1+𝑟2(𝑟)2𝑟2𝒦(𝑟)𝑟𝑟22𝑟2.𝒦(𝑟)(2.6)
It follows from Lemma 2.1 (1) and (2.6) that 𝑓(𝑟)>0 for 𝑟(0,1), which implies that 𝑓(𝑟) is strictly increasing in (0,1).
Therefore, inequality (2.3) follows from (2.4) and (2.5) together with the monotonicity of 𝑓(𝑟).

Lemma 2.3. Inequality 23𝜋𝑟𝒦(𝑟)>log2+3𝑟23𝑟(2.7) holds for all 𝑟(0,1).

Proof. Let 2𝑔(𝑟)=3𝜋𝑟𝒦(𝑟)log2+3𝑟23𝑟.(2.8) Then simple computations lead to 𝑔𝑔(0)=0,(2.9)2(𝑟)=3𝜋𝒦(𝑟)+𝑟(𝑟)𝑟2𝒦(𝑟)𝑟𝑟24343𝑟2=23𝜋1+3𝑟21+3𝑟2𝑟3/2(𝑟)𝑟1/22𝜋.(2.10)
Clearly the function 𝑟(1+3𝑟2)/𝑟3/2 is strictly decreasing from (0,1) onto (4,+). Then (2.10) and Lemma 2.1 (2) lead to the conclusion that 𝑔(𝑟)>0 for 𝑟(0,1). Thus, 𝑔(𝑟) is strictly increasing in (0,1).
Therefore, inequality (2.7) follows from (2.8) and (2.9) together with the monotonicity of 𝑔(𝑟).

3. Proof of Theorems 1.11.3

Proof of Theorem 1.1. Let 𝜆=1/4, then from the monotonicity of the function 𝑓1(𝑥)=𝐻(𝑥𝑎+(1𝑥)𝑏,𝑥𝑏+(1𝑥)𝑎) in [0,1/2] we know that to prove inequality (1.10) we only need to prove that AG(𝑎,𝑏)<𝐻(𝜆𝑎+(1𝜆)𝑏,𝜆𝑏+(1𝜆)𝑎)(3.1) for all 𝑎,𝑏>0 with 𝑎𝑏.
From (1.1) and (1.7) we clearly see that both AG(𝑎,𝑏) and 𝐻(𝜆𝑎+(1𝜆)𝑏,𝜆𝑏+(1𝜆)𝑎) are symmetric and homogeneous of degree 1. Without loss of generality, we can assume that 𝑎=1>𝑏. Let 𝑡=𝑏(0,1) and 𝑟=(1𝑡)/(1+𝑡), then from (1.5) we have 𝐻(𝜆𝑎+(1𝜆)𝑏,𝜆𝑏+(1𝜆)𝑎)AG(𝑎,𝑏)=(𝑡+3)(3𝑡+1)𝜋8(1+𝑡).2𝒦(𝑡)(3.2)
Let 𝐹(𝑡)=(𝑡+3)(3𝑡+1)𝜋8(1+𝑡)2𝒦(𝑡).(3.3) Then making use of (2.2) we get 𝐹(𝑡)=(2+𝑟)(2𝑟)𝜋4(1+𝑟)=𝜋2(1+𝑟)𝒦(𝑟)𝐹8(1+𝑟)𝒦(𝑟)1(𝑟),(3.4) where 𝐹1(𝑟)=(2/𝜋)(4𝑟2)𝒦(𝑟)4. Note that 𝐹1(𝑟)=𝑛=0(1/2,𝑛)2(𝑛!)2𝑟2𝑛4𝑟24=4𝑟2𝑛=0(1/2,𝑛+1)2[(]𝑛+1)!2𝑟2𝑛𝑟2𝑛=0(1/2,𝑛)2(𝑛!)2𝑟2𝑛=𝑛=0(1/2,𝑛)2[](𝑛+1)!23𝑛2𝑟+2𝑛2(𝑛+1)>0.(3.5)
Therefore, inequality (3.1) follows from (3.2)–(3.5).

Next, we prove that the parameter 𝑝=𝜆=1/4 is the best possible parameter in (0,1/2) such that inequality (1.10) holds for all 𝑎,𝑏>0 with 𝑎𝑏.

Since for 0<𝑝<1/2 and small 𝑥>0,𝜋AG(1,1𝑥)=2𝒦2𝑥𝑥21=121𝑥𝑥162𝑥+𝑜3,1(3.6)𝐻(𝑝(1𝑥)+1𝑝,(1𝑝)(1𝑥)+𝑝)=12𝑥+𝑝21+𝑝4𝑥2𝑥+𝑜3.(3.7)

It follows from (3.6) and (3.7) that inequality AG(1,1𝑥)𝐻(𝑝(1𝑥)+1𝑝,(1𝑝)(1𝑥)+𝑝) holds for small 𝑥 only 𝑝1/4.

Remark 3.1. For 0<𝑝<1/2 and 𝑥>0, one has lim𝑥0𝐻(𝑝𝑥+1𝑝,(1𝑝)𝑥+𝑝)AG(1,𝑥)=lim𝑥04[]𝑝𝑥+1𝑝][(1𝑝)𝑥+𝑝𝒦𝑥(1+𝑥)𝜋=+.(3.8)
Equation (3.8) implies that there does not exist 𝑝(0,1/2) such that AG(1,𝑥)>𝐻(𝑝𝑥+1𝑝,(1𝑝)𝑥+𝑝) for all 𝑥(0,1).

Proof of Theorem 1.2. Let 𝜇=1/22/4, then from the monotonicity of the function 𝑓2(𝑥)=𝐺(𝑥𝑎+(1𝑥)𝑏,𝑥𝑏+(1𝑥)𝑎) in [0,1/2] we know that to prove inequality (1.11) we only need to prove that AG(𝑎,𝑏)<𝐺(𝜇𝑎+(1𝜇)𝑏,𝜇𝑏+(1𝜇)𝑎)(3.9) for all 𝑎,𝑏>0 with 𝑎𝑏.
From (1.1) and (1.8) we clearly see that both AG(𝑎,𝑏) and 𝐺(𝜇𝑎+(1𝜇)𝑏,𝜇𝑏+(1𝜇)𝑎) are symmetric and homogeneous of degree 1. Without loss of generality, we can assume that 𝑎=1>𝑏. Let 𝑡=𝑏(0,1) and 𝑟=(1𝑡)/(1+𝑡), then from (1.5) we have 𝐺(𝜇𝑎+(1𝜇)𝑏,𝜇𝑏+(1𝜇)𝑎)AG(𝑎,𝑏)=[]𝜋𝜇+(1𝜇)𝑡][𝜇𝑡+(1𝜇)2𝒦(𝑡).(3.10)
Let 𝐺(𝑡)=[]𝜋𝜇+(1𝜇)𝑡][𝜇𝑡+(1𝜇)2𝒦(𝑡).(3.11) Then making use of (2.2) we have 𝜋𝐺(𝑡)=22(1+𝑟)𝒦(𝑟)𝜋𝒦(𝑟)112𝑟21.(3.12)
Therefore, inequality (3.9) follows from (3.10)–(3.12) together with Lemma 2.2.

Next, we prove that the parameter 𝑞=𝜇=1/22/4 is the best possible parameter in (0,1/2) such that inequality (1.11) holds for all 𝑎,𝑏>0 with 𝑎𝑏.

Since for 0<𝑞<1/2 and small 𝑥>0,1𝐺(𝑞(1𝑥)+1𝑞,(1𝑞)(1𝑥)+𝑞)=121𝑥+84𝑞2𝑥+4𝑞12𝑥+𝑜3.(3.13)

It follows from (3.6) and (3.13) that inequality AG(1,1𝑥)𝐺(𝑞(1𝑥)+1𝑞,(1𝑞)(1𝑥)+𝑞) holds for small 𝑥 only 𝑞1/22/4.

Remark 3.2. For 0<𝑞<1/2 and 𝑥>0, one has lim𝑥0𝐺(𝑞𝑥+1𝑞,(1𝑞)𝑥+𝑞)AG(1,𝑥)=lim𝑥02𝜋[(]𝒦𝑥𝑞𝑥+1𝑞][1𝑞)𝑥+𝑞=+.(3.14)
Equation (3.14) implies that there does not exist 𝑞(0,1/2) such that AG(1,𝑥)>𝐺(𝑞𝑥+1𝑞,(1𝑞)𝑥+𝑞) for all 𝑥(0,1).

Proof of Theorem 1.3. Let 𝛽=1/23/4, then from the monotonicity of 𝑓3(𝑥)=𝐿(𝑥𝑎+(1𝑥)𝑏,𝑥𝑏+(1𝑥)𝑎) in [0,1/2] we know that to prove inequality (1.12) we only need to prove that AG(𝑎,𝑏)<𝐿(𝛽𝑎+(1𝛽)𝑏,𝛽𝑏+(1𝛽)𝑎)(3.15) for all 𝑎,𝑏>0 with 𝑎𝑏.
From (1.1) and (1.9) we clearly see that both AG(𝑎,𝑏) and 𝐿(𝛽𝑎+(1𝛽)𝑏,𝛽𝑏+(1𝛽)𝑎) are symmetric and homogeneous of degree 1. Without loss of generality, we can assume that 𝑎=1>𝑏. Let 𝑡=𝑏(0,1) and 𝑟=(1𝑡)/(1+𝑡), then from (1.5) one has =𝐿(𝛽𝑎+(1𝛽)𝑏,𝛽𝑏+(1𝛽)𝑎)AG(𝑎,𝑏)3(1𝑡)2log23𝑡+2+32+3𝑡+23𝜋2𝒦(𝑡).(3.16)
Let 𝐽(𝑡)=3(1𝑡)2log23𝑡+2+32+3𝑡+23𝜋2𝒦(𝑡).(3.17) Then from (2.2) we get 𝜋𝐽(𝑡)=2(1+𝑟)𝒦(𝑟)log2+3𝑟23𝑟𝑔(𝑟),(3.18) where 𝑔(𝑟) is defined as in Lemma 2.3.
Therefore, inequality (3.15) follows from (3.16)–(3.18) together with Lemma 2.3.

Next, we prove that the parameter 𝑠=𝛽=1/23/4 is the best possible parameter in (0,1/2) such that inequality (1.12) holds for all 𝑎,𝑏>0 with 𝑎𝑏.

Since for 0<𝑠<1/2 and small 𝑥>0,1𝐿(𝑠(1𝑥)+1𝑠,(1𝑠)(1𝑥)+𝑠)=121𝑥+124𝑠2𝑥+4𝑠12𝑥+𝑜3.(3.19)

It follows from (3.6) and (3.19) that inequality AG(1,1𝑥)𝐿(𝑠(1𝑥)+1𝑠,(1𝑠)(1𝑥)+𝑠) holds for small 𝑥 only 𝑠1/23/4.

Remark 3.3. For 0<𝑠<1/2 and 𝑥>0, one has lim𝑥0𝐿(𝑠𝑥+1𝑠,(1𝑠)𝑥+𝑠)AG(1,𝑥)=lim𝑥02𝜋𝒦𝑥(12𝑠)(1𝑥)[(]log𝑠𝑥+1𝑠)/((1𝑠)𝑥+𝑠)=+.(3.20)
Equation (3.20) implies that there exist no values 𝑠(0,1/2) such that AG(1,𝑥)>𝐿(𝑠𝑥+1𝑠,(1𝑠)𝑥+𝑠) for all 𝑥(0,1).


The authors wish to thank the anonymous referees for their careful reading of the paper and their fruitful comments and suggestions. This research was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 11071069, and Innovation Team Foundation of the Department of Education of Zhejiang Province under Grant T200924.