As very powerful and important tools in the study of nonlinear sciences, fixed point methods have attracted so much attention. Over the last decades, fixed point techniques have been applied extensively in such diverse fields as biology, chemistry, economics, engineering, game theory, physics, and so on. The thorough study of the fixed point theory and its approach methods contained in the literature will help us to find new fixed point techniques for solving the practical problems.

The aim of this special issue is to present and extend the applications of the relatively new approaches and theories for the fixed point problems arising in mathematics and applied sciences.

This special issue includes 105 high-quality peer-reviewed papers that deal with different aspects of applications of fixed point and approximate algorithms. These papers contain some new, novel, and innovative techniques and ideas. We hope that all the papers published in this special issue can motivate and foster further scientific works and development of the research in the area of the applications of fixed point and approximate algorithms.


As Guest Editors for this special issue, we wish to thank all those who submitted papers for publication and many specialists who served as the reviewers. We highly appreciate the support from the editorial members of the journal, as well as the editorial staff of Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Y. Yao was supported in part by NSFC 11071279 and NSFC 71161001-G0105. R. Chen was supported in part by NSFC 11071279. Y.-C. Liou was partially supported by NSC 101-2628-E-230-001-MY3.

Yonghong Yao
Rudong Chen
Giuseppe Marino
Yeong-Cheng Liou