Research Article

A Simulation-Based Algorithm for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Travel Times

Algorithm 2

The method of improving a solution generated by a CVRP heuristic.
1 Set the incumbent solution IS = CS, where CS is obtained from step 14 of Algorithm 1;
2 Fabricate a solution IS′ whose expected total cost is set to an infinite value that cannot be
    exceeded by the total cost of any solution;
3 While the expected total cost of IS is less than that of IS′, do:
4  Set IS′ = IS, Solutions =  ;
5  Fetch the vehicle that returns to depot at the earliest expected time from all vehicles in IS
    and denote the vehicle’s route by er;
6  Fetch the vehicle that returns to depot at the latest expected time from all vehicles in IS
    and denote the vehicle’s route by lr;
7  For each customer node cn of lr, do:
8     For each position ep of er, into which a customer node can be inserted, do:
9     Delete cn from lr and insert cn into er at its position ep;
10       Insert the solution obtained from the above step into Solutions;
11    Next ep;
12  Next cn;
13  Fetch a solution with the least expected travel cost from Solutions into IS;
14  Use Monte Carlo simulation method like steps 6–11 in Algorithm 1 to calculate the expected
   total cost of solution IS;
15 Endwhile;
16 Return the solution IS′.