Research Article

A Simple Numerical Method for Pricing an American Put Option

Table 3

Comparison of RMSE and runtime.

Mesh size ( ) Front fixing (runtime, RMSE) MBM-FDM (runtime, RMSE) Our Method (runtime, RMSE)

125 × 25 (6.690, 3.10070) (0.415, 0.04640) (0.023, 0.10901)
250 × 50 (26.767, 2.76880) (1.922, 0.02510) (0.109, 0.01395)
500 × 100 (175.508, 3.61630) (9.953, 0.01210) (0.741, 0.00392)
1000 × 200(1223.615, 2.49460)(57.531, 0.00620) (5.997, 0.00089)
2000 × 400 (7998.379, 2.41980) (345.759, 0.00290) (56.444, 0.00021)