Research Article

An Effective Heuristic-Based Approach for Partitioning

Algorithm 3

Heuristic algorithm.
(1) Encode the parameters for the partitioning problem;
(2) Initialize the first generation ;
(3) Calculate the fitness of each individual in ;
(4) Copy the individual with the highest fitness to the solution;
(5) while (termination conditions) do
(6)  while (number of individuals generation size) do
(7)   Select two individuals ;
(8)   Perform crossover on ;
(9)   if (max{fitness( ), fitness( )} max{fitness( ), fitness( )}) then
(10)   Reject the crossover with ;
(11)  else
(12)   Accept the crossover;
(13)  end if
(14)  Perform mutation on to produce ;
(15)  if (fitness( ) fitness( )) then
(16)   Reject the mutation, ;
(17)  else
(18)   Accept the mutation;
(19)  end if
(20)  Perform the above steps on to produce ;
(21)  end while
(22)  Calculate the fitness of each individual;
(23)  if (the highest fitness fitness(solution)) then
(24)  Copy the individual with the highest fitness;
(25)  end if
(26)  increase the generation number;
(27) end while
(28) return solution: , ;