
We discuss the existence of periodic solutions for nonautonomous second order differential equations with singular nonlinearities. Simple sufficient conditions that enable us to obtain many distinct periodic solutions are provided. Our approach is based on a variational method.

1. Introduction

Differential equations with impulsive effects appear naturally in the description of many evolution processes whose states experience sudden changes at certain times, called impulse moments. There is an extensive bibliography about the subject. For recent references, see [1].

Variational methods have been successfully employed to investigate regular second order differential equations with impulsive effects; See, for instance, [28]. In particular, the paper [8] considers the existence of distinct pairs of nontrivial solutions. However, very few papers have used variational methods to investigate the case of impulsive second order boundary value problems with singular nonlinearities. In fact, it seems that the work [9] is the first paper along this line. Singular boundary value problems without impulses have attracted the attention of many researchers; see [10] for details and references. This paper is devoted to the study of the existence and multiplicity of periodic solutions for impulsive second order differential equations with singular nonlinearities. More specifically, we consider the following impulsive problem: where denotes the real interval , with , is a positive parameter, and presents a singularity with respect to its second argument at .

Throughout this paper we will use the following notations. is the classical Lebesgue space of measurable functions such that is integrable, and for we define its norm by Let denote the norm of , the space of real-valued continuous functions. is the classical Sobolev space of functions with their distributional derivatives . We set and for we define its norm by Wirtinger inequality implies that we can consider on the norm endowed with the norm is a reflexive Banach space.

We introduce the following assumptions on the nonlinearity.(H1)(i) is an -Carathéodory function;(ii) for almost every ;(iii)there exist , and such that , and for almost all and all (iv), with ;(v) exists and is nonpositive for almost all and all ;(vi).

The jump functions , , satisfy the following:(H2)(i) is odd, continuous, and bounded;(ii).

Definition 1. A solution of (1) is a function such that for every , is absolutely continuous with its derivatives and and satisfies the differential equation in (1) for ; the limits and , , exist; the impulsive conditions and the boundary conditions in (1) hold.

2. The Main Result

In this section we state and prove our main result.

Theorem 2. Suppose that conditions (H1) and (H2) hold. Then for any , there exists such that for problem (1) has infinitely many distinct nontrivial solutions.

Proof. To give the proof of the main result, we first modify problem (1) to another one which is not singular.
For , define a function on by
Finally, we require for all and almost , to make odd. Then satisfies the following:(j) is an -Carathéodory function and is odd in ;(jj)there exist , , , and such that for all and almost and for all and almost all ;(jjj)for almost all and all , is such that
We study the modified problem
Consider the functional , defined by
Clearly is an even functional, , and is Frechet differentiable, whose Frechet derivative at the point is the functional given by
Obviously, is continuous. If is a critical point of the functional , then is a solution of problem (11).
First, we show that is bounded from below. Define a subset of as follows: noticing that
For , we have If , we use the partition of the interval , where
By (H2) and (jjj), we have From (jjj), on , which implies If , then . This means that is bounded uniformly in . Since is a Caratheodory function, it follows that is bounded by some positive constant . Hence, This shows that is bounded from below.
Remark  3. There exists such that , whenever .
Our next step is to show that satisfies the Palais-Smale condition. For this purpose, let be a sequence in such that is bounded and . Then, there exists such that . In view of (16), if , we have and if , we can proceed as above to show that This shows that is bounded. So that, is bounded in . From the reflexivity of , we may extract from a weakly convergent subsequence, which we label the same; that is, in . Since the injection of into , with its natural norm, is continuous, it follows that in and by Banach-Steinhaus theorem, the subsequence is bounded in and hence, in . Moreover, the subsequence is uniformly equicontinuous since, for , we have By Ascoli-Arzela theorem the subsequence is relatively compact in . By the uniqueness of the weak limit in , every uniformly convergent subsequence of converges to . Thus, converges uniformly on to .
Next, we will verify that strongly converges to in . By (13), we have The uniform convergence of to in implies Since and , as , In view of (24), (25), and (26), we obtain Thus, satisfies the Palais-Smale condition.
Let denote the eigenfunctions of , , , corresponding to the eigenvalues . We normalize , so that For , we set and . Then, for any , we have for almost every , , or , and It follows from (H1)(iv) that, for any , Let It is clear that Letting we see that when we have, for any , On the other hand, there is a constant such that is not contained in . So from (jjj). Hence, using (H2)(ii) we obtain, for , where ,Remark  4. Sobolev inequality implies that .
Now, we apply Theorem 9.12 in [11] to conclude that possesses infinitely many distinct pairs of nontrivial critical points. That is, problem (11) has infinitely many distinct pairs of distinct nontrivial solutions.
Finally, we must prove that there exists with the property that, for every , any positive solution of (11) satisfying is such that and hence is a solution of (1). We proceed by contradiction. Assume, on the contrary, that there are sequences and such that
First, we have
Then, by (H1)(i), there exists such that which implies that for some constant . Since , it follows that there must exist two constants and , with , such that ; otherwise, would tend uniformly to and, in this case, would go to (because of (H1)(vi) and (40)) and this contradicts . Also, implies that there exists an integer such that . Since is continuous, there exists such that . Let be such that, for large enough, Multiplying the differential equation in (11) by and integrating the resulting equation on , or on , we get It is clear that where Now, and imply that is bounded. Since it follows that
Now, we have that
It follows from (H1)(ii) that This implies that is not bounded. We arrive at a contradiction. This completes the proof of our main result.

3. Example

Consider the boundary value problem (i), given by , satisfies (H1) with , .(ii)For , .(iii) satisfies (H2).

We consider in the definition of . We have


Also, where .

It is clear that Then Applying our main result, we see that when , for any , problem (49) has infinitely many distinct nontrivial solutions.


The authors wish to thank an anonymous referee for comments that led to the improvement of the presentation of the paper. Abdelkader Boucherif is grateful to KFUPM for its constant support.