Research Article

Formal Modeling and Verification for MVB

Listing 2

PROMELA codes of the synchronous bus.
active proctype Synchronous_Bus ( ) {
atomic  {
  /*BA_0 as the Regular Master*/
  ::     (BA_0. cur == REGULAR_MASTER && BA_1. cur != REGULAR_MASTER) ->
  BA_0. output ? frame; BA_0. input ! frame;
  master_type = frame. type;
  /*Master Frame from BA_0 to BA_1*/
       ::true -> frame. type = LOST;
       ::true -> frame. type = master_type;
  BA_1. input ! frame;
  /*Slave Frame from BA_1 to BA_0*/
       ::frame. recv == 1 -> …/*Answer the Master Frame*/
       ::else -> skip;
/* BA_1 as the Regular Master */
::(BA_0. cur!=REGULAR_MASTER && BA_1. cur!=REGULAR_MASTER) ->
      frame. type = LOST; /*No Regular Master*/
      BA_0. input ! frame; BA_1. input ! frame;
::else -> …/*Receive data from output channel of BAs in Regular Mastership*/