Research Article

A Novel Self-Adaptive Harmony Search Algorithm

Table 1

Six shifted rotated unimodal benchmark functions.

Name Expression

Shifted rotated Cigar-Tablet's function
Shifted rotated Rosenbrock's function
Shifted rotated Schwefel's problem 1.2 with noise in fitness
Shifted rotated Schwefel’s problem 2.21 with noise in fitness
Shifted rotated Schwefel’s problem 2.22 with noise in fitness
Shifted rotated sphere function with noise in fitness

. is a solution in the search range of −100, 100 . is a random vector in the range of −100, 100 . M is an identity orthogonal matrix. is also a random number. In this study, these biases are randomly given. They are equal to −140, 390, −450, −310, −180, and −450, respectively. For the second benchmark function, global optimum and ; for other functions, global optimum and .