Research Article

Estimating Time-Varying Beta of Price Limits and Its Applications in China Stock Market

Table 5

The descriptive statistics of time-varying beta of small corporations.

Number Mean Maximum Minimum Standard deviation

1 0.839398 1.594092 0.186064 0.315097
2 1.157833 1.255224 1.073522 0.040694
3 1.159452 1.225937 1.101896 0.027780
4 0.906573 1.180060 0.669817 0.114274
5 0.967024 1.108891 0.803147 0.068474
6 1.058929 1.080458 1.034060 0.010391
7 0.814311 1.191658 0.487644 0.157671
8 1.106203 1.126550 1.126550 0.009821
9 1.262318 1.326288 1.206941 0.026729
10 1.082743 1.171509 1.005898 0.037090

Total 1.035478 1.594092 0.186064 0.185705