Research Article

Fixed-Term Homotopy

Table 1

Comparison between exact solution (26) for (25) and the results of approximations: LPFTH (33), HPM [6], and VIM [6] (A.E. means absolute error).

Exact (26) LPFTH (33) HPM [6] VIM [6] A.E. of LPFTH A.E. of HPM A.E. of VIM

1.0 0.84147098 0.84107061 0.83819112 0.82124433 0.00040038 0.00327987 0.02022665
2.0 0.90929743 0.90698321 0.78090770 0.23121704 0.00231422 0.12838972 0.67808039
3.0 0.00412939 0.33872327 3.28619874
4.0 0.00245449 0.19153985 8.04645783
5.0 0.00317560 0.06513310 15.07002201
6.0 0.00802417 0.16619545 23.93104554
7.0 0.00610248 0.23269103 34.84309514
8.0 0.00291320 0.25036935 47.76052743
9.0 0.01145728 0.02628744 62.94340939
10.0 0.01036391 0.16513644 80.13352009