Research Article

Discrete and Continuous Optimization Based on Hierarchical Artificial Bee Colony Optimizer

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode for the HABC algorithm.
HABC algorithm
Set ;
   Randomly divide the whole population into N species ( ) each possesses sub-populations ), each possesses bees;
Randomize ’s D-dimensions food source positions ; , , .
   Each sub-population with S dimensions (where S is randomly chosen from a set G, and ).
WHILE (the termination conditions are not met)
      for each species i,
      Initialize D-dimensions complete vector ( , ,
      which consists of the S-dimensions
      best solution .
      Randomly all D dimension indices;
      WHILE (the termination conditions are not met)
         for each sub-population do
            Employed Bees’ Phase:
            For each employed bee
            Produce a new solution by using (2)
            Evaluate the new solution
            Apply Greedy selection choosing the better solution
                 Calculate the probability values Pi for the solution by using (2)
               Onlooker Bees’ Phase:
            for each employed bee
            Probabilistically choose a solution according to
            Produce a new solution by (2)
            Evaluate the new solution
            Apply Greedy selection choosing the better solution
            Re-initialize solutions not improved for Limit cycles
            Memorize the best solution
            for each individual of , do
                   Place best solution in the complete solution newGbest by:
                   Update complete solution if it improves:
                   If (newGbest) <  f  (Gbest))
                      Then ·
      end WHILE
      Select elites form neighborhood of
      BPL = the top best individuals of the ring topology
      Crossover and Mutation by (4)
      Update with applying Greedy selection mechanism from
      find the global best solution gbest from the whole population P
      memorize the best solution of each
      Set ;