Research Article

Towards Light-Weight Probabilistic Model Checking

Table 1

Property patterns and their PRISM and MRMC translations.

Property in natural language PRISM translation MRMC translation

will eventually hold, until then holds with a probability P    psi  U  phi P    psi  U  phi
will hold within time bound [ , ], until then holds with a probability P      psi  U t1,t2   phi P    psi  U t1,t2   phi

always holds with a probability P    G  phi P    ! tt  U  ! phi
always holds within time bound [ , ] with a probability P    G t1,t2   phi P    ! tt  U t1,t2 ! phi

is always followed by with a probability P    G   phi  =>  P  >=  1   true  U  psi P    ! tt  U  ! phi  =>  P  >=  1   tt  U  psi
is always followed by within time bound [ , ] with a probability P    G phi  =>  P  >=  1   true  U t1,t2   psi P    ! tt  U  ! phi  =>  P  >=  1   tt  U t1,t2   psi

holds infinitely often with a probability P    G   P  >=  1  [true  U  phi P    !(tt  U  ! P  >=  1  [tt  U  phi ))

The expected accumulated reward until holds is R    true  U  phi

The expected accumulated reward until holds within t time units is between and E t r1,  r2 phi