Research Article

Capacity Expansion and Reliability Evaluation on the Networks Flows with Continuous Stochastic Functional Capacity

Pseudocode 1

Read the nominal capacities,  s, and subset of the transmission factors,   s, of the original network, .
Calculate functional capacity,   s, of each arc.
Find the maximum flow, MAX.
While  MAX <   Do
 Define the residual graph and (cost) as follow
and let a label for each arc which show the cost of arc expansion as following:
For  each   Do
if   and   then
set and
if   and
if     then
  set and
  else if     then
  set and
  else if     then
  set and
end if
end if
end if
Find the shortest path in (cost) regarding value
if   (sum of the costs on the shortest path < +∞)
replace the new capacity in as follow:
if   and then
set and
else  if   and or and then
set and
end if
end if
end For
Calculate functional capacity using new capacity
Find maximum flow, MAX.
end while