Research Article

Migrating Birds Optimization for the Seaside Problems at Maritime Container Terminals

Table 1

Computational results for a representative set of small- and medium-size instances proposed by Cordeau et al. [5].

id Obj. (s) Obj. Gap (%) (s) Obj. Gap (%) (s) (%)

25 5 1 759 5.99 759 0.00 0.75 759 0.00 0.29
5 955 6.97 955 0.00 0.86 955 0.00 0.27
10 1073 6.38 1073 0.00 0.73 1073 0.00 0.32

25 7 3 807 4.28 807 0.00 0.97 807 0.00 0.24
5 725 3.85 725 0.00 0.44 725 0.00 0.27
8 768 3.93 768 0.00 1.05 768 0.00 0.25

25 10 2 727 6.99 727 0.00 0.75 727 0.00 0.36
3 761 6.12 761 0.00 0.56 761 0.00 0.34
5 840 6.77 840 0.00 0.45 840 0.00 0.29

35 7 2 1192 15.93 1192 0.00 4.91 1198 0.50 0.81
6 1686 29.16 1686 0.00 3.28 1692 0.36 0.77
8 1318 17.52 1318 0.00 2.39 1324 0.46 0.73

35 10 1 1124 19.98 1124 0.00 1.58 1124 0.00 0.91
5 1349 22.31 1349 0.00 1.53 1350 0.07 0.91
9 1311 29.45 1311 0.00 2.81 1313 0.15 0.97

Average 1026.33 12.38 1026.33 0.00 1.54 1027.73 0.10 0.52