Research Article

Applied Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm in Fire Evacuation Routing System

Table 1

Summative evaluation of the research into human behavior in a fire.

Factors used in analysis of building evacuationOutput/tools/methods

The spirit of the times [2325]Occupant density and travel speed were two core factors.
Findings have led to minimum width of evacuation staircases, a maximum flow rate capacity for fire exits, and required number of fire exits.
Occupant response shelter escape (ORSET) model was introduced.
The emergence of new factors such as personality, capacities and architectural design of the building.

Movement velocity [24, 26]Methods of documenting the time needed for movement purposes were introduced.
Calculation tools were emerged, which later on have been become a codes of practice for fire engineering.

Linking fire and human behavior [10]Revealed that size of a fire is related to personnel’s behavior after or before commencing.
The factor of human behavior came to attention.
Revealed that people want to walk through smoke when making their escape to save other family members.

Evacuation of the functionally impaired [2730]High-rise buildings were at the center of research in fire evacuation.
Two methods were introduced: (1) Safe use of elevators, (2) the defend-in-place strategy.

Studies about WTC/11 [29, 31]Evacuation of the functionality impaired came in handy in WTC/11 disaster (i.e., self-evacuation and safe use of elevators).
New factors were uncovered: escape and pre-evacuation times, pre-evacuation actions, the flow rates in staircases.
The evidence gathered has become a High-Rise Evacuation Evaluation Database (HEED).

Preevacuation time [27, 30]It has been revealed that pre-evacuation time is more important than moving to safe place.
It has been uncovered that a delayed evacuation and number of death are interconnected.
However, pre-evacuation times are less documented or quantified.

Evacuation modeling [32, 33]Evacuation simulation models were emerged. However, few of them are based on human evacuation behavior, only focusing on routes and time to interpreting data documented.
Since during the fire, there are some uncertain and incomprehensible behaviors, then there is a need to operationalized occupancy risks in further case studies and analyses must be allied to floor plans.

Way finding during evacuation [25]Conducting case studies have become of utmost important approach.
Architectural constructions, spatial connections, and layouts have been highlighted that they can be confusing and generate unnecessary stress to occupants.
Nevertheless, little of the research about way findings seems to be concentrated on fire safety engineering and fire evacuation.