Research Article

A Simple Automated Method for the Determination of Nitrate and Nitrite in Infant Formula and Milk Powder Using Sequential Injection Analysis

Figure 2

Original screen of the sequential program and peak presentation. The program was written in Spanish, the main labels, buttons, and text boxes being as follows: “INICIO”: Start; “Mensajes del dispositivo”: device messages; “GRABAR”: Save; “DETENER”: Stop; “SALIR”: Exit; “Nombre del archivo (con path)”: File name (with path); “FIJAR”: Fix; “PUNTOS/s Nº PUNTOS”: Points/s Nº of points; “PASO”: Step; “VÁLVULA”: Valve; “JERINGA”: Syringe; “ADQUISICIÓN”: Acquisition. On the right side of each step, a sentence of command is written according to the manufacturer’s instructions to control the valve or the syringe via the RS-232 serial ports. The SETUP button allows entering into a service screen to run routines for regenerating or copperizing the column and rinsing the system, as well as other auxiliary routines.