Research Article

Isolation and Bioactivity Analysis of Ethyl Acetate Extract from Acer tegmentosum Using In Vitro Assay and On-Line Screening HPLC-ABTS+ System

Table 1

LC-MS operating condition.


ColumnHECpTOR-M-RS-tech C18 (100 × 4.6 mm, 5 m)
Oven temp. (°C)40
Flow rate (mL/min)0.5
Injection vol. (L) 10
Ionization source
(positive mode)
Fragmentor voltage (V)70
Quadrupole temp. (°C)99
Capillary voltage (V)3000
Nebulizer pressure (psi)35
Drying gas temp. (°C)350
Mass rang () scan mode200~500
Mobile phase (%)A: 0.1% TFA in water,
B: acetonitrile
Gradient elution composition (%)(B): 10–25 (0–35 min), 25–10 (35–37 min), 10 (37–45 min)