Research Article

Stacking and Analysis of Melamine in Milk Products with Acetonitrile-Salt Stacking Technique in Capillary Electrophoresis

Figure 6

Electropherograms of real milk samples under optimized condition. (A)/(B)/(C) were samples from YILI pure milk; (D) was from WANGZAI reconstituted milk. Samples were treated with 60% acetonitrile (v/v) and were injected hydrodynamically at 50 mBar for 40 s. All samples also contained 8 mmol/L pH 2.8 phosphate solution and partial samples were added with MEL ((B)/(C) 0.5 μmol/L; (D) 8 μmol/L). Stacking was performed under  kV and results were detected at 200.0 nm.