Research Article

Feasibility of Using an Electrolysis Cell for Quantification of the Electrolytic Products of Water from Gravimetric Measurement

Figure 1

Schematic diagram of the water electrolysis cell. KNO3(aq) was used as an electrolyte in both compartments. KHCO3(aq) was added to the anode compartment. Effective concentrations of KNO3 and KHCO3 were 1 M each. Desired number of moles of KHP(aq) and a drop of 0.1% phenolphthalein were added to the cathode compartment. The volumes of electrolyte in each compartment were approximately 3.2 mL. Platinum wires were immersed in the electrolytes and directly connected to two 9 V batteries connected in parallel. The cell was placed on a digital balance housed in a glass cabinet.